How do you make the bottom information bar go away quickly?

I just don’t understand the need for it at all in a skip forward or backward single tap situation. It gives no useful information that isn’t already known. I know what I’m watching, I don’t need to be reminded every time I’m skipping from snap to snap of a football game. Sure it needs to pop up in a hold the button ff rw situation for the timeline bar. So frustrating when it can be accomplished if the devs wanted to do it. The bottom bar doesn’t pop up when a commercial is skipped automatically so it’s obviously possible to skip without a bar popping up

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Because the app can't read your mind. If it didn't show for skipping, you'd never see the timeline to know how far you're going. And this is very normal behavior.

I personally don't even USE FF/RW as I find skipping so much more faster and efficient, so that wouldn't help me.

The thing you have to remember is, yeah, I get it, you want it this way, but you're basing it on YOUR use case. When developing a product, we have to consider EVERY person using it. So sometimes things are a victim of lowest common denominator.

That being said....we are Channels, and boy do we have SETTINGS. I totally understand every single case you guys have mentioned here. So I'll look at what it might look like to give some knobs and buttons to push to get you the experience you want.

We like to give options where we can, and set defaults to what works for everyone. It's worked well for many other things. So I'll look at if it's possible to do this without things getting messy.

I think even a sports specific setting would be cool.


In a single press of the right directional button I know I’m going to get the 30sec or whatever I’ve set it to skip forward. I don’t need the timeline and if I do want to see the timeline and/or show title there is a pause button that will bring that up.

I used the wrong terminology with ff/rw. What I meant was holding the right directional button to skip a large chunk of the show forward. Absolutely the bar should come up in this case so you can see the timeline

An option would be fantastic

This is my point. You're considering just your scenario. You're ignoring the people that use seeking to get further into the timeline. All scenarios/users/cases have to be considered when making something work a single way when building product. These considerations are what have made Channels the thing a lot of you love.

I knew what you meant, and again, this is my point. You use FF for moving further through the timeline, I don't. So if we just stopped showing the timeline while seeking, it would feel broken for how I (and many other people) use it.

Just an FYI, you can show the timeline by tapping the touch surface of the Apple TV remote or pressing UP on other remotes, so you can show it without pausing.

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OK, the latest TestFlight release for tvOS/iOS now have settings for when the timeline shows during seeking. You can find them in the same place you can adjust Seek duration.

You have the option to set this for Movies, Sports, or everything else, just like Seek Durations.


Yes yes yes you just made my week. It works perfectly. Can’t wait for this to hit my android clients. Thank you so much @maddox

Any plans on making this a server side setting? Thanks.

Yes, all new settings have been added to the server recently. You have to wait for the build.

Server Side Settings for these new timeline options are now available in the pre-release:

It seems something is weird about adding the Show Timeline for sports & movies Playback->Seek Options in the Global Client Settings panel. If I add Normal->Show Timeline it adds fine. If I next select Sports->Show Options it adds fine but the option to select Movies-> Show Timeline is greyed out and cannot be added to the Global Client Settings. I have not tested if the Movies show timelines is enabled or disabled. Running DVR v2022.09.14.2139 (BTW I love this feature, thanks)

The latest pre-release has fixed that.

Just pulled DVR v2022.09.14.2324. It is still doing the same thing.

Try refreshing your browser while holding shift.

That worked. Never heard of that little trick.

Multiple scenarios is why there are options.

The show timeline options are now available on Android as well.


Just got a chance to try this. I’m getting the opposite in that the timeline bar when set to don’t show timeline pops up on skip forward and never goes away on shield tv. Skip backwards works as it should not displaying time bar. It does not matter if it is set in the app or forced from server side settings, it never goes away after the first skip forward. It has been working as expected on iOS. Diagnostics submitted from app under other.

Please try new beta apk, should be fixed hopefully

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Looks fixed on a quick test. Thanks

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