I’m about to give up!

Have had channels installed and running for 3 months on 2 different Windows computers. I keep having issues especially if the Windows computer updates.

After moving to a beefier machine I finally got channels up and stable. Been up and working fine. Today same old problems are back.

  1. Lost all TVE channels
  2. Cannot view channels on any computer on my LAN. Firestick clients can view locals from HD Homerun but no TVE. But none of my Windows machines can view anything live or recorded. All can access the server and all menus. Click on a guide item or a recording and the window just spins until I x out.

This has happened before but I’ve always been able to delete everything and start over with a restore. Today nothing works to fix the issue.

I’m close to moving to Plex and forgetting this whole deal.

I have emailed support but that also seems hit or miss these days.

Is Channels having financial difficulties? Several of my emails have not been returned. Make me suspicious they are about belly up.

Any help appreciated.

It sounds like your Channels DVR service is sometimes not restarting when the computer is rebooted. I've seen this type of issue on occasion with Windows but there is never any error messages logged. Next time it happens, on the Windows machine, try running the services application (type services in the windows taskbar search box) and restarting the channels DVR service.

Instead of nukeing everything,
Look at the server logs when your issues happen. Submit diagnostics.

Is Channels Server installed as a Service or not?

What version of Windows?

Does it happen only when the OS does updates and reboots, or does it happen when u manually reboot?

Have you disabled/delayed Windows updates and just do them manually?

Do you have Google Chrome installed and updated?

I have been running Channels DVR on a Win 11 system for a couple months, with zero issues, even after OS updates. (not installed as a service and system is set to auto login at boot)

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Could we get a lot more detail about your setup?

  1. Is your computer wireless or hardwired? For best results, it should be hardwired.

  2. Even if it is hardwired, is there interference in your setup? For instance, if you are using MOCA but are sharing the coax line, then that can cause interruption problems.

  3. Did you use the executable Windows installer, or did you do the service install or the Docker install? The executable is the way to go. Did you use the right one? Depends on if your system is 32 or 64 bit.

  4. Is your Windows machine rebooting on its own? Disallow a reboot so it will only happen when you can manually do it and assure things are ready for a reboot.

  5. Have you updated the server to the latest pre-release? I know there are a lot of issues involved with the server restarting that were specifically fixed in a prior pre-release.

  6. What else is starting up/running on your computer? Is there an order issue where the server is trying to start before your internet connection is established? If your internet is not connected and the server tries to connect and re-verify your credentials, it will fail and you will lose those stations.

  7. Who is your TVE provider? If there is some type of issue with your login ID? Have you searched through the forum for people who have issues with specific TVE Providers?

  8. Who/what is your internet provider? Could you be getting gaps/limitations in service from there? Are there issues on your router that could be addressed? What is your IP address range? Look into your network and see if there are gaps.

Take it from a Plex lifetime subscriber: the grass is not greener over there. I understand you are having real, perplexing, and serious issues with your setup that needs to be resolved, but don't for a second believe things will magically be resolved with Plex, or that it will not add a host of its own problems onto you. Plex is also a black hole when it comes to support. Channels is just 3 developers, which makes them both incredibly responsive and equally unavailable when they have other things going on.


Shoutout to @babsonnexus & @speedingcheetah

Both post are steller advice.

In order of best support
Forums (here) > Discord > Reddit > Email.

Email is to unreliable. Email is full of nigerian princes and viagra ads. But seriously. Downside to email support is community cannot help. CDVR has lots of very knowledgeable and helpful users

Sometimes I suspect devs wait to reply to see if community members will solve the issue.

They are more then just Devs. They are also the ENTIRE customer support staff. I heard @Tmm1 sweeps the office at night pulling tripple duty as janitor.

PS: Ty to users not immediately bashing windows and telling him he needs Linux. Not everyone wants to learn a new OS.

Best advice. Always post logs. It helps both devs and users figure out issue. And come to forum first before email.

Good luck.

Currently the server is running Windows 10 pro. Entire network is hardwired with gigabit hardware and cat 6. The episode started yesterday with a reboot of the server. It is running as a service. Channels restarted without issue except we lost all TVE channels and the ability to watch anything on a computer or the server computer itself. Everything looks fine and I can connect to the server settings from all computers. I’ve sent in logs but over the past week I have hade zero response from support. I have a Plex server running on a NAS that never gives me a minutes problem for over 6 yrs now. This channels server has been nothing but problems. I originally had it installed on a micro PC running Windows. Had the same issues and switched machines. Same issues. TVE loss and no ability to view life or recorded on a computer. My multiple Firesticks work fine except no TVE since yesterday. I’m most concerned about the lack of support. Last event over a month ago I was advised to install an experimental version which did work. I’m thinking that the reboot triggered a update and now I’m out of business again. My gut feeling is to transition to Plex and throw in the towel. Plex has certainly proved itself for stability. At this point I’d trade the few channels benefits for something that is reliable.

Plex does not have support for TVE, far as i know.

You still are being very vague.

What do you mean by "TVE loss"?

Is there an error when you try to play them?
What does the logs say?
That is the first place to start.

So currently this is a dedicated windows machine in my LAN. We have a DSL connection always on. I have ASUS zen router. Everything hardwired.

Everything from the HD Homerun tuner is fine. We had TVE fine on everything but lost all TVE. Rescanned tge TVE on both FUBO and PHILO. The all scan and are recognized. But if I try to watch any TVE channel I get the spinning wheel of death and a black screenshot. Change to a tuner channel no problem.

What does the Troubleshooting page on the Server look like?
It checks for common issues.

Can you play the recorded files fine in VLC when u open then in Windows File Explorer?

Note, the web ui of the server is not meant to be a client. It can play things, but is meant for admin of the server mainly.

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What happens when you tune the TVE channel on a client device, not your PC's web browser?
It is still not loading on your client device? Or is it just not loading on your PC web browser?

And again, what do the server logs say is happening when u are tuning the TVE channel?

Not loading on any devices. Locals fine

Trouble shooting all green checks. Caution on my McAffee antivirus but haven’t had any issues normally. I can remote access the locals.

I haven’t looked at logs myself but it will. I sent them to support

Mcaffe proably the issue. Remove any 3rd party antivirus software. They are known to cause issues.

Also no one should be using McAfee. It is one of the worst rated ones out there.

You mentioned you had similar issues on your previous set up. Did you also have McAfee installed on that system?

I haven’t looked at logs myself but it will. I sent them to support. I can directly access tge DVR hard drive and play all the recordings.

No I did not. Not willing to leave this machine exposed. I did disable it but no difference.

U don't need any 3rd party av software on a system that is not actively used for web browsing, email, or normal use. If it is just a media server, the built in Windows AV is fine. Been doing so for over a decade with no issues here.
And, some any even consider McAfee malware in of it self. lol.

You said you got a Caution about AV Software in the Troubleshooting page....there you go.
Disable is not enough, you need to remove the software and reboot.

Either way. no one can really help you well, without know what your logs are saying.

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so, the server is recording the tve programs fine? You just can't play them back on your clients?

Post your logs here, people are trying to help you. Folks have asked this of you several times.....