If Channels DVR worked with IPTV it would go HUGE!

There are millions of IPTV customers all wishing they could DVR and record TV.
IPTV customers seems like the "low-hanging fruit" for "Channels DVR" to blow up and become hugely POPULAR and grab market share..... why are they not doing it? Every IPTV customer I know would plop down $25, and $8 a month to have an easy DVR functionality available.

Is there something I am missing? Is it easy to use Channels DVR with IPTV?



I imagine they want to keep Channels DVR legitimate and within legal limits.


I love Channels to much for those bottom dwellers to ruin it


I don't think it would be huge. People that watch those crappy free IPTV channels don't want to pay $8 a month for a DVR.


There are many legal options for IPTV, including those who use IPTV for overseas content in other languages. These type of IPTV services are available in/on the Apple and Android store and are legitimate and legal.


Maybe legal overseas, but not here. Especially the $25 ones you are mentioning that ARE NOT PAYING THE RIGHTS TO SELL THE CONTENT. Plus to biggest no no is recording stolen content.

I'm sorry, but you are wrong and don' know what you are talking about.

#1 - I never mentioned a price for the IPTV services - I mentioned a $25 fee and $8 a month for "Channels DVR" services - not IPTV services.
#2 - There are many LEGAL IPTV services here in the USA and abroad - and that is why the Apple Store and Android Store offer several IPTV players (including players that have a DVR function).


First off if you have the DVR for $8 a month there is no $25 fee for the app. Second name one legal IPTV service and I'm not talking about something like UVERSE, which is supported by TVE

Most all of those are simply client apps that take IPTV playlists. None of those are first-party apps from IPTV providers themselves. They are essentially the same as any media player app.

If you truly wish to have outside IPTV sources integrated with Channels, there are several posts on the forums about Telly and/or Xteve. I highly doubt any integration beyond using a third-party proxy app that emulates HDHomeRun hardware will ever become available to Channels.


There are quite a few Cable providers who are moving to IPTV, my provider is launching it this year and plans to do away with Cable TV completely to free up bandwidth (I doubt that will happen anytime soon).

MobiTV is the company they are using to launch this, if you look them up you can find a few apps on the store that are essentially clones re-branded for each ISP. I hope that Channels will find a way to authenticate with their service. I don't want to deal with a "cloud" DVR and streaming limits. They are offering tiered streaming limits of 2,4,or 6 streams, if they determine this based on devices then Channels could theoretically bypass those limits.


And those providers have TVE access. Once you open the door anyone can come in and that's the end of Channels

Wow! You guys are fun.... thanks for the warm welcome.


This is why we can't have anything nice.


I would say Richard must be paid by some of these companies. He always complains when we ordinary users want to have something nice.

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What companies. The pirate sites?


Yup, some folks are quite adamant with their views and thinking on certain topic and tend to thread jack things, to get them locked due to drama.

Plenty of well used well advertised on well known site like Cnet, The Verge, tech show, etc iptv services. And like mentioned a few post up, plenty of LEGAL iptv services around. Now, the point of contention and confusion, is how does the end user determine it is legal or not???

Yes, there are IPTV Re-sellers, but that is no matter, cause those exist for your normal CATV and SAT companies too. SOme may be fake/shaddy yes, but many are real and legit. Same as there are "Authorized resellers" for like Metro by Tmobile stores.

saying that all iptv streams are illegal and pirated is just wrong and only opinion not based on anything other than conjecture. Am i gonna take the time and money to hire some lawyer to check out every website and service i find that offers IPTV, no...but i can read around online, on established review sites and tech sites, for what is most recommended and used by folks in the media, that, one would think, since they a company in of themselves, like Tech Tv or cnet, etc, they would not be showing on their shows or site and promoting pirated and illegal services. Not to mention, having said providers app in the Google/Apple/Amazon app stores. To any end user, that make is legal far as they can tell.

iptv for LIVE TV is not as popular here in the USA, but slowly is becoming a thing.
Heck, all your streaming services are IPTV by basic definition.
" IPTV is defined as multimedia services such as television/video/audio/text/graphics/data delivered over IP based networks managed to provide the required level of quality of service and experience, security, interactivity and reliability.. IPTV is defined as the secure and reliable delivery to subscribers of entertainment video and related services. These services may include, for example, Live TV, Video On Demand (VOD) and [Interactive TV (iTV)]"

I have numerous friends and family overseas in various countries, and most of them, there is only IPTV services, cable and satellite services died out ages ago there.

Channels has TVE, something i very much use and now rely on...but as we have seen, it can be a source of issues and most often always needs some sort of tweaking and constant maintenance. IPTV is even more down that rabbit hole of less reliability it would seem. I am very much happy with TVE in Channels, but see no reason why, they can not have the option to just make a "source" tuner be a .m3u file. Emby does it just fine. Maybe there are technical backend things I cant possible know of between how Emby and Channels is coded, that wold make this impossible...but still, i think is it a very valid feature request by users that are trying to move to Channles as their AIO use software and ditch the other ones.

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I have tried and been unsuccessful in getting Telly and such hdhr emulators to work.
I have gotten so far as that Channels see it, but it will always say use ios app to update firmare, and/or the entire Channels DVR server software will hard freeze, not respond at all, and all clients will just instant crash, when ever a emulated HDHR is on my network, the second i remove it, and restart Channels DVR server, everything is fine.
I have posted about about it, asked for help...crickets. so i gave up and just use Emby for my IPTV streams now....since i still have it around for my local media collection server.

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It is up to you if you want to use shady m3u providers. But please do educate yourself about what you're getting into.


Only Telly is supported, and only when you use the sample config provided in the Telly thread:

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yea. and i did try telly and...like i said...it was a chore and resulted in complete failure of everything involved. Maybe it was that it just hated my network setup? idk.
After that, discovered with Emby, it is a few click process in their server Dashboard, just add source, point it to the .m3u file, set guide source, done. work instantly.

After all that trouble, rather have the iptv separate from Channles anyways, due to the only one connection allowed for the service i have(i am the only household member that uses Emby now, since i moved TV over to Channels), and also, reliability is not so good for some channels.
Later i may seek out a better service,....but unless someone cares to share with me ones they deam and have proven to be fully "legit" "legal" "not-pirated" services....i won't bother. I just want something that works reliable and is affordable to supplement the channels that i get via say Philo, but do not have TVE access for whatver reason and want to be able to have them in one central location, and with full local DVR ability for my own legal personal use and archive, is the end goal and desire.

That torrent freak articles, were interesting, but ultimately kinda uninformative, as they do not name the services taken down or how they identify on the user side of things a illegal service or not. Aside from the re-seller aspect and possible payment process. Read the comments on them and people even mention the person who wrote that is too broad and general and by their own descriptions of re-seller, companies like Red Pocket, Tello, Mint Mobile, many very popular cell MVNOs are illegal. There are plenty of other companies and services that u pay money for, and get "credits"...pretty much any "freemiuim" mobile game, as well as major title games. Pretty weak argument to claim that a iptv server is infact illegal pirate.

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