Intro skip

This is a feature that I've really come to use on Netflix/Plex. Is it possible to integrate this feature into channels? it's one of the last reasons I'm keeping Plex installed on my devices.


I would love this!


Just thought I'd revisit this topic. I rarely watch TV shows in Plex anymore, as all of my local content has been moved to Channels. But I watched something in Plex today and was reminded of how cool the Skip Intro feature is. @maddox is there any chance this is something on your radar?


Any movement on this? Now that I use Channels for almost everything, I really miss Skip Intro.

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I was just browsing through "Feature Request". I think this would be a awesome feature. It is something I like very much in Plex and other apps.


I would also like to echo this!
Channels is my only media server now, but Skip Intro was something I loved in Emby. Even Jellyfin has third party plugins for it now

Thanks for putting this back up the list again. :grinning:

I really feel the Devs could make this awesome with their particular skills. Honestly, if this were implemented I would uninstall Emby and be fully onboard again. I still flip back and forth because they handle watching TV Shows so much better than Emby or Plex in my opinion.

There are only a few small things I would like to see done with movies, but those are things I can easily dismiss.

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I use JF and I use this feature over there very often so having it within Channels would be nice too..

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Make sure you hit the Vote button at the top of this thread!


+1 intro skip.
Live TV i need comercials to use BR or make popcorn. When watching a DVR i just want to skip.


Wow, I noticed in the last few days the votes on this almost doubled!

Hopefully this keeps getting traction. I would love to just use one app and that feature would let me get there.


Bump on this. I just noticed it from Plex.



Keep voting here, folks. The more people vote, it becomes more and more likely that the devs will implement this

Throws himself on the ground

I want intro skip!!!!! Please!! I want it! I want! I want intro skip now!

Oooohhh squirrel.

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And skip credits! That one too!


Just curious about this one. If the movie is over what is the point of skipping the credits if I'm going to stop watching it anyway?

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For binge-watching TV shows.


You're clearly not a superhero fan! :slight_smile: Most or all of the Marvel and DC movies have additional mid or post credit scenes. It would be nice to skip past the credits and go straight to that.