Is it tvOS 11 or Channels 3.0.x? Record functionality dropping

I do not remember this ever being an issue with tvOS 10.2.x, or the 2.x.x version of Channels. Now that I am running tvOS 11 and Channels 3.0.2, the record ease of use/visual indicator is hit or miss - previously “it just worked”.

[cannot identify when/how/why this occurs]:

The issue -
1.) In the grid guide - when pressing menu on a show to get the new menu where you can choose to record, this action yields nothing. Clicking is in vain. Pressing the play/pause button results in the show starting.
1a.) Once a show is playing, sliding down to record an in progress show - the record button is MIA.

2.) While in this “state” - when creating a pass to record a show/series, no visual changes display on the guide screen- no red/maroon or gold colors - no confirmation either way if it will record.

Solutions - restart the app (25% success rate) | restart the Apple TV (so far 100% success rate). With both solutions, the issues go away, it functions just as effective and efficient as designed - until… it doesn’t - then rinse and repeat.

Are there others experiencing anything similar?

tvOS 10.2.2 is still being signed (and will downgrade if needed) - want to address this issue before the signing window closes.


The symptoms you’re describing would occur when the app was unable to fetch guide data from the DVR. It would fall back to guide data from SiliconDust, but is not able to use that for recording so no recording features appear.

Next time it happens, try to go to the Settings tab, click and hold on your HDHomeRun and select Refresh Device.

Is your DVR server set to never sleep?

Thanks for the thoughtful insight.

It happened again tonight - so I did a Refresh Device, then restarted the app, and now the Record button shows when you swipe down while watching a live show.

However… I see that the app updated today to 3.0.3 - and… now when you choose a show from the guide by pressing the menu button, it goes directly to the show (the previous exhibited symptom - but with the swipe down Record button available now).

Did the update today change the behavior from choosing a show from the guide - as has been reported as a unfavorable change from some, from the previous behavior?

The DVR is set to never sleep (always has been).

Really appreciative of the quick and active responses from you and @maddox.

Thank you.

Yes this was changed in 3.0.3. You can click and hold to access the old menu.

You don’t need to restart the app after doing Refresh Device.

I had a chance to catch up on the threads (after posting the response) and noticed that - thanks for the confirmation.

Ok - noted about restarting the app - will observe and report back if the behavior returns.


A post was split to a new topic: Windows DVR not sleeping

Hello @tmm1 - this behavior seems to be continuing. No contextual menu when clicking on the show name in the guide, and no record button for an active show. Refreshing the Device via Settings did not fix/improve the issue this time.

The DVR is working fine, tested by using the web interface to record a show earlier today.

What/if anything else can I test or view to a) resolve, b) provide more info towards a perm resolution?


Hmm. Another thing you can try is unchecking and rechecking the Bonjour checkbox on the DVR.

Can you tell me:

  • what version of macOS on the DVR machine

  • is the Mac on Wi-Fi or Ethernet

  • is the Mac set to “never sleep”

Ok - tested the Bonjour (uncheck/recheck) - no success

Mac Mini - running OS X 10.11.3 | Hardwired Gigabit
AppleTV 4 - running tvos 11.1 | Hardwired | Channels 3.1.4
HDHomeRun Extend (2x) devices running firmware 20160630atest2 (for MythTV stability)

Mac Mini is the primary home media server - has always been set to “never sleep”

Be glad to test/check anything else as needed.


If you have an iOS device, install Bonjour Browser and see if it shows “channels_dvr”

Wait, does the app show the DVR tab or not? Can you play back recordings?

Check the Log tab of the DVR for any error messages shown

I will test the bonjour browser tonight.

Yes, the app shows the DVR tab - can watch/delete recorded shows as normal. Unable to initiate the recordings from the app. Can not identify what causes that function to stop working (i.e. no manual updates/changes on the server, no power outages). I will check the logs as well tonight.


I sent you our beta app. Please install it and see if it has the same issue. When you see the issue in that app, go to the bottom of the Settings tab and click Submit Diagnostics

Thanks much - will install/set up and test tonight.

Good news - the beta app does not experience the same issues - it functions as expected. Nothing changed (no reboot/DVR restart, etc…), simply installed the app and tested.

I will monitor it and submit diagnostics if the issue recurs again.

Thanks for the option to test.

I have the same issue as described in this thread. No record function on the ATV 4k running TVOS 11.2. Interested in getting the beta app to see if it resolves the issue.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Recording in-progress program