Kodi Add-on

It does nothing. Will not even pause.

Any idea why on step 3 when i click on channels add on repository, it says "could not connect to repository".
Thank you

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Not sure. What device and kodi version?

Make sure you are using https, so the entry should read https://kodi.getchannels.com.

I was running Kodi 18.9. Just installed 19.2 on windows and successfully installed the addon. Thank you for your help.

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Please try upgrading your DVR server to latest prerelease and see if the kodi addon is able to timeshift in-progress recordings any better.

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I am right clicking the repo and it isn't updating to the new version?

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Which version of the add-on? v2021.10.5 or v2021.10.12

It's an update for the server

I didn't notice any difference.
With the default Kodi skin, I only get the option to stop. No pause, FF/REW, skip, ect.

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I'm on Server 2021.10.13.0312, and both my Shields and my PC can timeshift live TV. I tested both OTA and TVE. Both worked fine.

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Timeshifting live TV has been working a few weeks now, with a few bugs along the way, that have been sorted out.

Timeshifting live recordings will hopefully be added. Here is an example I posted last week. This is with NextPVR. It doesn't seem that Kodi will limit this so hopefully this feature can be added.

oh, I missed that it was an active recording. Doh!


I still cannot time shift a recording in progress.

It would be great if I didn't have to use the web ui for that and could use Kodi exclusively. The web player is OK but is a bit cumbersome going between that and Kodi. Kodi is more solid for shows that has already been recorded and live TV.

Totally agree, While I wouldn't want to lose the web UI, if I could, I would do 95% of my management through Kodi.


I know someplace earlier in this thread it was mentioned that there was a lot to implement Timers, so I am just curious if that is planned? Right now you can't add a timer. Or at least it doesn't appear that you can.

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Do you mean a timer for a channel without guide data or something different. Why is this important to you?

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no, I mean creating a timer from scratch. For instance, the new show '4400', I want to be able to create a timer for it without searching the guide. Just by clicking the 'create timer' button. Think of it similar to an advanced subscription in the Channels Web UI.

This would also allow me to edit existing timers, I would assume. I haven't actually tried doing that, but I assume it won't work currently.

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