Kodi Add-on

For myself in order of most important...

  1. Timeshift for a recording that is still in progress or not yet completed this one is very important for me.
  2. Live TV Timeshift buffer moved to DVR.
  3. Create a series pass for all or new episodes.
  4. Your first item I think is Record show currently being watched live.
  5. Record a single episode manually from the guide.
  6. Delete existing manual recording schedule.
  7. Edit timer rule to change the margin.
  8. Pause/resume existing pass.

edit :

  1. Pause live TV on one Kodi device resume on another.

Timeshift for a recording in progress is my number one priority.

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Well, for me it would be
1 record single episode manually from guide
2 create series pass for all or new episodes from guide
3 edit timer rule to change new/all and number of episodes kept
4 delete existing manual recording schedule
5 delete series pass
6 edit timer rule to change margin
7 record current show while watching TV

One note: if being able to pause and ffw/rew when watching a timer recording while it's still recording is dependent on the "record current show while watching TV" feature I'd put this as #2.


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Can this be built for iOS version of kodi?

Are you running on jail broken device? I didn't think kodi ran on iOS..

No, it can be sideloaded with cydia impactor. Or even better build to use with mrmc

For me:

  1. Timeshift buffer moved to DVR
  2. Record from guide (single/series -> timer/timer+options)
  3. Record current being watched show
  4. PVR Search to offload to DVR for pass (timer) setup (currently is limited to cached EPG in Kodi)
  5. Edit timer rules (passes)
  6. Being able to timeshift a current recording


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@tmm1 https://kodi.tv/download/854

Yes, I am aware of this, but if cydia impactor has been fixed it can be sideloaded, and the zip can be sent to kodi to install from files, Can you try to build for ios, and I will gladly test the build.

sorry man, I choose to steer clear of their products because I don't want to have to deal with that crap

one more platform to add to the list: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/16860

I'm seeing one issue currently with the latest version for Android. Recordings are ending early. Seems about a minute and change early, it just stops. In the Channels client the programs run to the end.

I tried it with a couple of different skins in Kodi, just to see if that was it. But no change.

Huh, strange one. What does it show on the timeline when you near the end?

Any chance of adding remote URL support? I primarily use Kodi away from home.

Just checked it on my Windows client and it does the same thing. It shows about a minute and a half left and then just dumps out to the list screen.

I haven't found a pattern yet. A few recordings seem to play to the end. Others dump out early.

I've been putting longer padding on the end of my passes as a work around.

I don't think so due to oauth

  1. Record a single episode manually from the guide
  2. Record show currently being watched
  3. Create a series pass for all or new episodes
  4. Timeshift for a recording that is still in progress or not yet completed
  5. Delete existing manual recording schedule
  6. Live TV Timeshift buffer moved to DVR
  7. Pause/Resume existing pass
  8. Edit timer rule to change the timer margin

The biggest, for me, is using my HDHR Prime and the Channels Kodi Add-on to replace all my whole-home DVRs with kodi boxes (RPi4 with LibreELEC)

kodi windows 32 bit add on crashes kodi
Does anyone know if the addon for windows 32bit crashes kodi as soon as it starts up?
I am having issues with any kodi 18 version where as soon as I install the channels windows 32bit client it crashes kodi.

post a debug log? https://kodi.wiki/view/Log_file/Easy

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The main issue I'm having with the Kodi add on is that it's importing less than 3 days of guide data. I have the PVR setting in Kodi to 15 days. Is this the intended behavior? Is there any way to import all the guide data from Channels?

The main reason for doing this is to be able to use the searching capabilities within Kodi to find things to record.
