Kodi Add-on

Pretty sure it was just the descriptions.

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I still seem to be having erroneous commercial skips during recordings in progress.

Are your recordings descriptions cleaned up?

No, recording descriptions not fixed. I don't think there was been an update for that.

I must be lucky then. My recordings don't have any incorrect information added to the shows which don't have any summary like a news show. Before, if there was no summary, it would pull info from another show. Now they are just blank as it should be.

Did Nexus Kodi remove the delete option, or am I missing a setting? Thanks.

Someone seemed to have bumped up the issue with the group not being remembered at startup. It seems they fixed the issue.

I can't get the Kodi addon to work. Do I need to do something to get it to work with Kodi Nexus? I entered the IP as and but nothing.

It works on Nexus but I went back to Matrix because of a couple issues. It doesn't remember the channel collection after restarting Kodi, and I didn't see an option to delete recordings on Nexus.

There is a couple issues on Matrix. The recordings episode info is screwy, which has always been the case. A new Matrix issue is that recordings disappear in the list. Restarting Kodi gets them to show back up. I should probably go back to a previous Matrix version and see if recordings continue to disappear. I never had that issue until recently.

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I installed on Kodi running on my Shield, and nothing happened. The plugin doesn't;t do anything.

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No issues on my PC or my Onn UHD Android TV streamer.

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I got it to work. I think It installed the wrong version; not meant for arm 64. When I begin recording a show, it doesn't appear in the list unless I restart Kodi. So far that's the main issue that I notice. A decent enough solution for an all-in-one app. Hopefully, the plugin will see some improvements.

Channel changing is near instant.

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Yes, it takes some time for recordings to show up once started, and to leave the list after deletions.
Please post back if you have the same issue with recordings suddenly removing themselves, and having to restart Kodi to get them to show back up.

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I am probably the only one who uses Kodi regularly, but I wonder why NFL Network crashes Kodi if you pick that channel?
Also, why do random recordings disappear and come back after restarting Kodi?

@tmm1 just fyi, I had to write a batch file to delete the cache files *.mpg from the addons folderā€¦thanks for all you do!

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What is the location? I don't see any.


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I see this has not been updated in a while - I attempted PVR add-on install on Nvidia Shield - the add-on does not connect to the local server either automatically via Bonjour or via direct IP. The Shield sees the DVR fine via Channels app. Adding of Repo via zip was fine, and single add-on was shown. This is universal for any v20 Kodi, Arm or otherwise? Thanks

I use the channels DVR addon in Kodi daily. I am not sure if this addon still receives updates, but if it does I have a feature request. A "Skip Commercial" button like in the app. The commercial skipping option is spotty so I don't like to keep it on auto. I really like the skip commercial button option. It's possible this can not be implemented because it's a separate program, but I just thought I would ask.

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I thought I was the only one!