Latest beta causes one of my HDhomeruns to disappear/not be seen

Yep that is definitely the problem not a Network or OS problem it is plain and simple a bug.

Can you re-enable it as a source?
Screenshot 2024-11-12 at 15-55-04 Channels Settings

Noooo we have been through all this ... it is a bug, tmm1 gave me the thumbs up.

OK. Well it works for me.

Of note this does work for me.

That works but the toggle on the web page does not.

This is true, the bug needs to be fixed but at least this gets it re added to be used temporarily.


Ah. My mistake.

Which browser is this happening on?

I don't know about others, but i'm on the browser brave.

Happens on Firefox for me (but the curl commands work).
Only issues using the browser on an HDHR source though.
More specifically, the toggle switch always shows the HDHR source as enabled, even when disabled, and clicking it when the source is disabled sends the disable command again instead of the enable command.

Works on an M3U source just fine.

Ah interesting

A post was split to a new topic: DVR Crashing in latest build

This should fix the issue. Sorry folks.

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I installed this (0126) and the dvr is bootlooping for me. I rolled back to the previous pre-lease from yesterday and it loads just fine.


Should work now.

Confirmed. Working for me (docker container on Synology). Thanks.

Yes, looks like it is working as expected now. Thanks!