LinkPi encoder family

New firmware out:

Standard version: Modify the interactive logic of the title search box and no longer pop up the search box.
Standard version: title search function, new search result keyword highlighting
Standard version: Remove the network input option on the encoding page, and set the network input on the decoding page.
Standard Edition: Fixed the problem that after turning off DHCP in the network settings, there is still a probability of automatically obtaining an IP.
Classic version: The video mixing page corrects the problem that the video channel may not be switched when switching layouts.
System underlying optimization

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Upgrade completed on all units. No issues. Very satisfied with these units.


I've come back around a little after my simple, preventable, issue. I'll feel fully better when i get a real response from the support guys, but I'm back in business.


Hi. Just wondering if anyone is using the Link Pi ENC1-V3 for doing remote live streams of sporting events? By this I mean running a camcorder feed into the encoder, connecting it to a remote 4G/5G hotspot and broadcasting remotely to YT?

@VideoMa You'll have the best luck there if you have the Link Pi stream via SRT to OBS running somewhere on a reliable connection, and have that broadcast to YouTube. If you google for how to use SRT and OBS it should point you in the right direction.

Deal alert, I think - $263

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That's tempting at that price but I'm a bit unclear on the consensus of the 5 channel device - does anyone have that one and a URaycoder - how do they compare? (I have 2 URaycoders) Has anyone had an error free experience with the 5 channel device after proper setup?

I have one of the 5 Channels ones and it has been great. I have two of the spots occupied and have had no complaints. I also recently helped a coworker set one up at his family's bar. He has all of the ports occupied and has not had any issues.

My Amazon account shows a coupon for an extra 10% off, making it about $238. And this one ships from Amazon so no slow delivery from China. My ENC5 v2 has been great and this deal is about $80 less than what I paid.

If you were thinking of joining the LinkPi Club and are in the market for multi port, this is a crazy good deal.

Great find!

I was an early adopter, maybe the first on this forum to order an ENC5. Mine has been great with no issues so far. Never had a Uray for comparison but do have a similar (firmware, SoC) Jtech single encoder. The updated LinkPi devices (August 2023) are noticeably better performers than the Jtech. Uray has better warranty. Happy to answer any questions. Ordering the one from Amazon gives you 30 days returns.

Thanks for the replies - I bought one and it arrives tomorrow


Congrats. Let me know if you have any questions.

I actually just ordered one of the 5 port models and was wondering if you reported the 59.94 issue to their support? Im looking ahead trying to prevent unnecessary mode changes on my gear since everything I do is 59.94. Hoping they have at least acknowledged the issue....

To get 59.94 try this. On the Encode tab select the Video Config tab on the bottom half of the screen. Then set NTSC Compatible button to ON. With this on, a framerate setting of 60fps should output 59.94fps and a setting of 30fps will output 29.97fps.


I received my LinkPi, bought another Onn TV 4K and got everything working with Adb tuner - after reading the above post, I configured the linkpi for 59.94 and confirmed during playback on my Nvidia Shield - I was surprised that my URaycoder streams indicated 60fps, not 59.94 - those are set to match the input framerate and are also attached to Onn boxes - so now, I’m wondering why I’m seeing 2 different frame rates

I have two Onn TV 4K attached to a ENC5. When I test streams in VLC, both show Frame Rate at 59.940059. The Onn TV 4k, like yours, show 1080P 59.94. I'm not seeing any issue with redraws.

To confirm, my Encode Config is set to 60 for Frame Rate, but I have also set my Video Config to NTSC compatible.

For some reason, the URaycoder boxes encode 60.0 fps per the Nvidia Shield - but the ENC5 is 59.94 -
I experienced a problem today - after having HDM1 working with an Onn TV 4K, I tried to plug the other two Onn TV 4K's into the ENC5 HDMI2 and HDMI3 and it crashed - the admin web pages became inaccessible - had to revert to the single Onn TV in HDMI1 and then it came back after multiple power cycles...

Odd. Never had a lock up on my LinkPi. I have all five HDMI ports active and have tested with all active. Are you on the latest firmware?

Yes - I updated the ENC5 to the latest firmware before testing - I didn't spend too much time on this, so I am hopeful to get this working - will try again this week - EDIT: Got 3 channels working - web interface is a little bit buggy - had to reboot to get 3rd stream working despite being configured correctly - also preview images stopped working - will report back after testing

After setting up 3 Onn boxes with the ENC5V2, the preview on the "dashboard" tab was consistently broken for days - this morning I changed from CBR encoding to AVBR and now it appears fixed - otherwise, testing has gone well with this device and I have started using this instead of my two URaycoder devices