LinkPi encoder family

When using the port number 8090, you don't need to specify "/live". The two following formats are the same destination for a TS Stream.

The "Pretty" LinkPi Version with /live/ to avoid using a port number in link:

The actual "less Pretty" location, final destination for the link above:


Yes, understand all of this. Everyone seems to think I misconfigured this, but I was simply trying to troubleshoot to come to my conclusion:

I'm still in same boat: The normal, and working up until it stopped, 8090 URL just stopped working suddenly. Red in ADB, and nothing from client. The "pretty" URL equivalent comes up green in ADB (i.e. it's seen up because port 80 is listening), but it immediately closes the connection.

edit and now i see my typo. I promise this wasn't what i actually tried. Sigh. Fixed for lack of condusion.

I found their support to be pretty good. They normally respond in 48 hours or less. Might suggest reaching out to them...if you haven't already. I would bet they would send you a new box! ? Ordered through Aliexpress, but not sure that has any bearing...

1 Like is the service contact I used. Found him to be faster than others in the US!

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Will confirm. I have not worked with Charles, but he is active in the LinkPi forum.

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Any answers on the streams just stopping working?
I just received my Apple TV and hooked it up to the LinkPi...
Enabled encoding and streaming on HDMI4 where I hooked up the ATV and now NONE of the output streams are working. ALL were working minutes before doing this.

Tried both the and for all streams: stream0, stream1, stream3, stream4, stream17
Again Streams 0,1,4,17 were all working immediatly before this and now none work.
The preview and mix setup pages all show them as if they are working.

I am testing them on vlc on my main computer and on a 2nd device and get the same response:
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL ''. Check the log for details.

I have rebooted EVERYTHING multiple times...including pulling all the power cords and bringing everything back up one at a time starting with the router.
The linkpi is still accessable and at the same address...just no stream outputs...I also tried enabling other stream options like RTSP but they don't work either

Next step is to try and reset everything to factory and see what happens !!! :tired_face:

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I have not tried vlc with my link pi.

In channels i use a custom channel and use HLS.

So my stream config looks like this:

And my play url page looks like this, with two entries per capture channel, one with url and one with m3u8

In channels I use a custom channel with:

As a sanity check, you could also use the linkPi hdmi output and hook that directly to your TV and see if that HDMI output is working at all. It looks like the previews are there in the LinkPi, so your getting input, but I have seen these sometimes mysteriously hang. Very rarely though, usually after a soft reboot or when I have monkeyed around with some of the extra features like overlay.

Ive only got the single channel version, but Ive permanently connected a hdmi cable to my tv directly from the linkPi hdmi output. Its very handy when configuring whatever streaming device your using , you can see what your doing to it in real time without the delay through channels. This way when you are implementing whatever code you want to control your new apple Tv you can see what ur doing. I plan on using this to debug my home assistant implementation once I upgrade my mac mini.


What are your encode settings? You might check to make sure that your input size matches your output on the ATV and/or the input size is set to auto. Your stream settings are similar to mine, although I just have the single.

Just to let everyone know...I had been using the linkpi for over a month with my current settings. All I tried to do was enable HDMI 4 after hooking up the ATV. Then I unhooked it when EVERYTHING would no longer stream.

Following this I both soft rebooted and power cycled everything on the network...Router, LinkPi, Computers, Media Streamers. Still NOTHING would stream.

Finally I said what the hell and reset the LinkPi to factory and reentered all my information again.
Now with the ATV also plugged in EVERYTHING is streaming again! Including the ATV.


As I have documented in other posts I have had problems like you when I have adjusted settings in the Mix Feed including some mix names changing to Chinese language and not being able to change them back and loosing the Mix Feed and having to reset the LinkPi to Factory Default.
Another thing is I always got errors if I tried to turn off DHCP in the system settings while using the classic view...I changed to the standard view and it let me disable it and save...then changed back to Classic view and it stayed figure...

I love these devices for the power/price.
It gets really frustrating when it stops working when you simply try to enable another input and then you are forced to RESET/REENTER everything AGAIN!

...End Rant... :grin:

Now hopefully I can get the ATV to "tune" Spectrum channels without having to spin up a HomeAssistant docker.


By "factory" do you mean the reset hard button, or in the GUI?

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Probably bad wording on my part...
In this Case...
Using the Classic View...Options - System - Under Auto Reboot Section - Reset Default Option

With the earlier issues I did use the DEF reset button on the back. This time I only used the UI and it seems to be working.

I probaly need to change the UI to use Standard instead of Classic...I have noticed at times something can be changed in Standard that errors out in Classic. When I got it it booted into Classic and I like the layout better...but I should probaly just get used to Standard UI.

Odd - was hoping the opposite, as GUI reset didn't work for me. My next step was to try hard reset (with the annoyance of default IP, etc)

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I feel your pain.
I probably hard reset mine (using the button) half a dozen times when I first got it trying to get everything working.
Don't remember what your using but I also stick to x264-Main for encoding...always seemed to have issues at some point with the others

Feeling discouraged. Hard and soft resets don't appear to help, and the support guys are asking very basic questions. Not a good sign on any front here.

hey @ChannelSam - 2 stupid questions

  1. Are you on the 3.0.0 build 20240131 sys version?
  2. If so, did your failure only start happening after upgrading?

Question not for me, but I am running 3x encoders on 3.0.0 build 20240131. No problems. Glad to share info if needed.

Yeah - mine ran a while on 20240131 fine, as well - it just up and died at some point, and i haven't been able to recover

I assume you did the usual, power cycle, restore to original and enter everything again.

Is your unit still in the return window? Or is that not an option?
I saw them telling you to check with Charles...Did he get back with you?

My unit is a LinkPi ENC5-V2

Current version:

App version: 3.0.0 build 20240131_1931

SDK version: 3.0.0 build 20240131_28419

Sys version: 3.0.0 build 20240131

Ordered on Amazon at end of December and delivered Jan 10.

I remember pretty much updating the firmware using the system page as soon as I had it hooked up. I worked with the 20231229 firmware to start with and then updated within a few days of 20240131 coming out.

So all of my beginning issues getting things up and running was with the 20231229 firmware. Addmittedly some of these "issues" were self-inflicted. One example was I set the frame rate on encode to -1. This had no noticable affect on encoding but it screwed with the mix specifically. Others are software issues...trying to resave a premade video mix layout sample and it changing only that name to Chinese and no way to change it back.

I am sure you have been to the github matiaspl LinkPi site that others have mentioned on here. This is a link to the firmware section:

That section also points you to the gittee firmware download site. I highlight some of the Chinese and tell google chrome to translate entire page.

Even though we are both running the newest firmware I would see if you can install an older version and reupgrade. Or see if it will completely reinstall the newest.

I would also try very plain settings to start Here is my encode. I only use H264-Main because I had problems with others. I am using these same settings with 2 Onn4K, 1 ATV Gen4, and a cheap Roku. I use HTTP stream and have EVERYTHING else disabled.

I would also set my time server to something like this...but for your timezone.


Hopefully this helps

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