LinkPi encoder family

More info on above Frame Dropping..

Without any LINKPi encoder changes, if I swap my Firestick 4k with the ATV,

the firestick on the HDMI input results in no frames dropped in channels

The ATV via the USB capture device results in no frames dropped in channels, although its limited to 720p.

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FWIW, I quickly checked this and don't get dropped frames with the LinkPi ENC5V2 and an Onn TV 4K box. (Viewing on an Nvidia Shield)

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Do you have match frame rate enabled on Apple TV?

Yep. Tried with and without frame rate matching on the ATV.

Interesting tidbit. Yesterday I did a simple experiment. Without any changes, I swapped the Apple TVs. That is, I made my Apple TV 4K gen 2 the “tuner” and the brand new Apple TV 4K gen 3 the client, running channels.

Both have identical audio and video settings. Surprisingly, with the Apple TV 4k gen 2 as the tuner, there are no frame drops observed on the ATV 4K gen 3..

For now Ive pushed the problem around by swapping ATVs this way, but Id like to understand what the issue really is so it doesnt bite me down the line somewhere else.

Strange issue….

New firmware out: update_20240430
Standard version: Modify the interactive logic of the title search box and no longer pop up the search box.
Standard version: title search function, new search result keyword highlighting
Standard version: Remove the network input option on the encoding page, and set the network input on the decoding page.
Standard Edition: Fixed the issue that after turning off DHCP in the network settings, there is still a probability of automatically obtaining an IP.
Standard version: fully compatible with preview effects of various resolutions such as vertical screen
Standard version: Brand new remote control interaction logic, the remote control is only supported on some models
Standard Edition: Fixed an issue where the encoding settings page of some models does not have the 4K option
Standard version: Optimize some HTTP interface logic
Classic version: The video mixing page corrects the problem that the video channel may not be switched when switching layouts.
Custom layout manager, supports vertical screen and various custom resolution displays

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Not sure if this has already been covered somewhere, but I couldn't find it in a quick search:

For anyone that has one of the 5 port versions of this encoder, it's very easy to setup a custom Channels DVR channel for the "Mix". This allows you to have various combinations of channels showing on your Channels DVR client at the same time.

The DVR Custom Channels setup needs to look something like this:

With the custom channel setup, next determine the channels you'd like to view together from the list of channels available on your encoder. Then, start a recording for each of those. In addition, any channels you're streaming to other TVs in your household or recordings already in progress, via the LinkPi, will also be available to use in the mix.

Whatever Mix layout you defined on the LinkPi setup page will now start playing, when you select your new "Mix" channel from a Channels client.:

PinP layout:

grid 2x2 layout:

If needed, you can go to your LinkPi setup page and adjust which inputs are included in your mix, and which if any, will have audio.

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On a related subject to the above, has anyone figured out the right combination of steps to get a CDVR channel stream working as a LinkPi Network stream? This might allow TVE channels and the like to be used as part of a Mix channel.

Even with Net1 and Net2 enabled, I'm not seeing these URLs added to the mix:


This is on a one port encoder I'm using for testing.

EDIT: Working now. I had to change the DVR hostname to its IP address.

I tested this out with a stream from CDVR.

Then turned on video decode, audio decode and enable buttons on the net encode page.
As soon as I enabled it CDVR starts the stream and I can watch it in the mix.
I thought this would be interesting way to create a low cost (since I already have the LinkPi) "Sports Mix Channel" this fall...

Would still need to figure out if there might be a way to send GET/PUSH commands to the LinkPi to turn off net stream enable when done...sound on and off for different feeds and move them back and forth for which one is the "main" view with smaller views on the sides.

Hopefully get back to it eventually.

I just set a LinkPi up with a firestick 4k 3rd generation. I’m using ADBTuner and everything seems to work fine with Philo channels (just doing a preview in the ADBTuner web interface so far) but for the life of me I can’t get any of the NBC channels to work. I have to go direct through NBC as my provider does not have it’s own web login to view its channels. When I add an NBC Channel in ADBTuner, I have the compatibility mode box checked, and I’m trying the following link format: nbctve://live/usa and For the package name i have When I click preview I just get the spinning wheel on a black screen and I’ve looked at what’s happening on the Firestick as well and it’s doing nothing. Do I have something wrong with the links or package name or has something changed with NBC? Could it also possibly be that this Firestick has Android 7? ADBTuner mentions Android 9 or higher is preferred. Would a $19.88 onn Google TV 4k box work better?

Yep. Even the latest firestick had the same issue for me.

Thats what i am using and it works great

Ok great to hear. I will pick up one of those at Walmart tonight and give it a shot after work and see what happens. Thank you!

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Here is an example of mine

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This is great stuff. Glad the onn box is cheap. Hoping that will solve my problem. Do you by chance happen to have a list of all the Gracenote IDs and links for the NBC channels? I think I have all the links right but was hoping to put in the gracenote ids if possible to avoid having to map. Thanks!

Sure are you east coast?

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I am yes. Although I do like to see west coast feeds too just for the heck of it. If you don’t have those though no worries. Thank you so much!


Sounds good. I'll just paste a snip from my json below that contains the gracenote ids. The channels that I dont watch are not included. WAVY is my local affiliate so you will want to substitute yours for that one.

    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5700,
    "name": "WAVY",
    "url": "nbctve://live/nbc/nbc_east",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "20466",
    "guide_offset_hours": null
    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5701,
    "name": "USA East",
    "url": "nbctve://live/usa/usa_east",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "58452",
    "guide_offset_hours": null
    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5702,
    "name": "USA West",
    "url": "nbctve://live/usa/usa_west",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "74030",
    "guide_offset_hours": null
    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5703,
    "name": "Oxygen East",
    "url": "nbctve://live/oxygen/oxygen_east",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "21484",
    "guide_offset_hours": null
    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5704,
    "name": "Oxygen West",
    "url": "nbctve://live/oxygen/oxygen_west",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "21744",
    "guide_offset_hours": null
    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5705,
    "name": "E! East",
    "url": "nbctve://live/e/e_east",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "61812",
    "guide_offset_hours": null
    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5706,
    "name": "E! West",
    "url": "nbctve://live/e/e_west",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "17561",
    "guide_offset_hours": null
    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5707,
    "name": "CNBC",
    "url": "nbctve://live/cnbc/cnbc_east",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "58780",
    "guide_offset_hours": null
    "provider_name": "NBC",
    "number": 5708,
    "name": "Golf Channel",
    "url": "nbctve://live/golf/golf_east",
    "package_name": "com.nbcuni.nbc.androidtv",
    "alternate_package_name": "",
    "compatibility_mode": true,
    "tvc_guide_stationid": "61854",
    "guide_offset_hours": null

This is exactly what I needed! Can’t thank you enough!

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The thing that's tripping you up (and probably @slampman previously too) is that the NBC package name is different on the FireStick (this is not uncommon, and has been referenced before in the ADBTuner thread).

I just did some quick testing, and the nbctve://live/usa is correct. But the package name (necessary to kill the app in compatibility mode) is

On a FireStick 4K Max 2, I had no problem tuning USA multiple times.

EDIT: Also worth mentioning, that if you're a Pi-Hole user, the hostname/ip of the stick you're using needs to be in your Exclude group or the NBC app won't even start. I suspect this would be true for any streaming stick running the NBC app.

Oh wow…this is definitely very interesting and I’ll have to give it a shot later tonight. Now when you refer to the “Exclude” group, where am I looking for that? Is that a setting in my LinkPi interface, or is that something within ADBTuner?

Also, how exactly do you go about figuring out those package names? I imagine what you gave me works for all the NBC channels, but I was just curious for any future tinkering with some other channel app down the road. Thank you for your help!


That part is only if you're using Pi-Hole as a whole network ad blocker.

I've found that all smart TVs and streaming sticks need to be excluded in the Pi-Hole WebUI.

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