Local Content - Deleting not working

When I select to delete a movie or a tv show that's under local content, the movie or TV show is removed but it will rescan it in again.

It's not actually deleting the files on the disk. Is there a way to fix this?

This is a safety feature as you do not want everybody to have the ability to delete imported content.

The DVR scans all your import paths every 5 minutes.
The only way to keep it from importing things is to either move the item out of the path, or remove the import path from settings.

So, why give the option to delete items under local content?

Because it is the same UI for recorded and imported content. Remember, imports are still a barely beta-level feature.

As was stated many times in the thread for imports, deleting an imported item in the UI only removes it from Channels database. When the scanner next runs—which happens every 5 minutes presently—it will "re-discover" the item you just deleted, and re-add it to the database.

We plan to add in the ability to delete imports, it just hasn’t been implemented yet.

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Any idea on when we'll be able to delete imported content?

Starting with v2021.02.24.2307, imported videos which have been sent to Trash will be deleted off of the disk when the Trash is cleaned out. This fixes the issue where deleting an imported video would make it reappear after a few days (when it got scanned in again).

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Outstanding, thank you!

In the latest client betas, you can now set Allow Delete to Just DVR Recordings.

In the latest server prerelease, you can now force all your clients to have specific settings. See Beta - Server Side Client Settings

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