Locast Court Ruling

sooo what type of antennas are you guys using?

I am lucky to have great reception so using an Indoor Antenna ... owned by Silicondust.

Silicondust acquires HD Frequency - Silicondust

Cable Cutter Indoor HDTV Antenna | HDFrequency.com

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Do you suppose that Silicondust payed-off the judge?

You are kidding LOL this is so darn funny.

Found it! It was indeed literally under my COVID toilet paper hoard. Have to go now. My wife called the cops on me when she found me tearing through the junk closet muttering "bastards shut down Locast".


I think you're right in how you're interpreting the ruling, but I think it's completely wrong on interpreting the "costs".. A non-profit can have salaries, and legal fees, etc.. so if the sole purpose of the company is to "maintain and operate" the secondary transmission service, then they should be able to charge whatever they want, as long as they dont have a "profit" after paying necessary salaries and expenses. I know it's not an apples to apples, but look at how inefficiently most non profit charities are, in that so much of their donations go to overhead that hardly any gets to the intended cause..

Hopefully this can be corrected.

There you go. I dusted off the old HD Homerun and antenna and now I have all my previously Locast channels back except one (NBC) but xfinity throws in Peacock Premium with my internet service so I can deal with that.

Me: 1 The Man: 0

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I think another option without breaking the bank would be to get Hulu, Paramount+, and Peacock TV. You could pay less than $20 a month for all 3 together and Paramount+ and Peacock will be showing the NFL and college football/basketball. Then you could watch all your broadcast shows the day after they air. Hulu will have ABC and FOX. It's not the best but it works. I just hate going from app to app.

AFAIK, there is no rule that a non-profit cannot show a profit. it just has to not be created and run for the explicit purpose of making a profit.

Real bummer....just ordered an HDHomerun

We tried to get on and we got “ We are suspending operation effective immediately “

Government should subsidize it like the Obama free phones and internet. Anyway major networks loose advertising money for the 2 million Locast subscribers. How stupid of them? Advertisers should consider paying less for adds that now reach a smaller audience.

Hey, I didn't write the law! Talk to your Representative and Senator; I'm sure they'll be able to work across the aisle and get this niche issue taken care of :stuck_out_tongue:

Sarcasm aside, I don't completely disagree with you. I think Locast made some poor accounting choices and could have allocated more costs toward the retransmission part (David Goodfriend didn't even take a salary). They could have also created two separate organizations: one that does the maintenance and retransmission, the other that creates new markets and then sells that market to the first company for $1. Or they could have split the donations into two separate buckets where half went to the retransmission costs and half went to other operations. There are a million ways they could get out of this today! Even more, they could have done nothing and gone to trial--maybe even the appeals and the Supreme Court--to prove their original argument anyway and that this basically procedural action was wrong to begin with!

The problem wasn't that they had a "Change in Net Assets" (Non-Profits do not make "Profit". They also have a "Statement of Activities" in place of an "Income Statement"); it was that they did so with activities that are expressly forbidden from showing a gap between Revenue and Expenses, especially one as massive as they had. The law may be poorly written and completely not thought out, but unless Congress changes it or the Courts throw it out, we are stuck with its plain language.

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Questions for Locast subscribers:

  • Has Locast sent you anything about cancelling your monthly donation?
  • Will it automatically stop or do you have to manually stop it?
  • Have you stopped it yourself yet?
  • Are they returning anyone's donations for the remainder of the month?

And ponderings for Locast's lawyers:

  • Is Locast/SFN still collecting donations?
  • The Donation button is still featured on the Locast website. Can they still collect money (legally)?
  • What can they do with that money?
  • What are they doing with the money they have now that they don't have operations to speak of?

LOL. You can donate money to anyone for any reason -- the reason doesn't have to be rational . You can donate money to me, today. As the one donating, you only have to figure out if it is tax deductible or not.

I wish but IMHO this it's a strategic move from Goliath, to monopolize something it's offered as Free = OTA

I wonder, how many Customer's they had lost, when they moved to Locast, all this because of heir excessive and abusive overcharge.

No, I can "gift" to you, I can "tip" you, and I can just straight up "pay" you, but I cannot "donate" to you. You need to be a registered 501(c) in order to be a tax-exempt non-profit that accepts donations as a form or revenue. You can chose not to register, but then that creates a slew of other problems that for all intents and purposes makes that not a "donation", too. I think Twitch/YouTube streamers have really confused the line with what these terms legally mean. I see a future IRS crackdown on that, but that's besides the point.

What I am talking about is the non-profit equivalent of bankruptcy and liquidation. Locast is not doing its primary mission, which means that their 501(c) status is no longer valid. If that is the case, then... see original question...


Ironically, I hadn't yet used Locast, but had been following it with the intention of eventually subscribing. When I saw yesterday that they were being challenged, I actually subscribed just to support them in their fight, and then this morning, I got an email saying my reoccurring donation had been cancelled because of this, but if I "wanted" to continue, I could re-institute it. I will do that as soon as I hear they're actually going to continue to fight. Of all the reasons for them to fail, I dont want it to be a cashflow problem while they're fighting this!

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Now that I have about all the channels that I used to get from Locast set up from antenna instead, I checked my recording schedule just to see what I would have missed. The answer is just about nothing. I wouldn’t miss a recording until Sunday. After that, nothing again until next Sunday. I haven’t been boycotting network television and I know we’re still in summer reruns. But gee, I really don’t watch that much that’s on those channels.

But hey, Channels did great! We lost a major carrier this morning and my family didn’t have a clue. Except from me storming around the house carrying cables and digging through closets while mumbling “bastards took down Locast”.