Lots of tuner locks lately (HDHomerun)

In the past I have had issues with Emby locking on to tuners even when the client has been disconnected. Never or VERY rarely if ever has this been an issue with Channels DVR. However the last couple weeks I am consistently having this problem. I just submitted logs, can you take a look please?

Logs: e40f6c75-22bf-441f-99a6-e70792049e0d


Are you using HLS or TS when feeding M3U to Emby ?

I have 2 HDHR tuners (HDHR 3.0). Those are direct TV sources in Emby.

The M3U url in Emby is blocked?format=ts

Edit: the M3U source in Emby is to get Pluto and TVE channels in there. I rarely use Emby, primarily as a backup to Channels.

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It's still doing it. I just submitted diagnostics again (9a23f1ab-5ed6-40d5-bf3a-7644d46e4640). 4 tuners slots are being occupied, however Channels only tuned into 1 at them moment.

Slots used: 3.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.1
Channels is currently only using 8.1

Hmm, makes me wonder if these are related. And I had 2 connections left open overnight for a TVE channel.

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@troyhough Thanks for raising this. Please try the latest pre-release and let us know if you still see the behavior.

Hi @eric thanks for looking into this. Unfortunately they are still happening. I have channel 6.1 going on 3 TV's currently, however checking my tuners and 2 tuner slots are tying up 3.1 and a 3rd tuner slot is using 6.1 (which the 3 TV's are sharing).

I just submitted diagnostic logs again: 088c8a3e-b05e-4a68-acda-a2e5d3dcdd2e

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Not watching any OTA with Channels DVR however 2 tuner slots are being tied up (6.1 on one tuner and 6.1 on the other). Just submitted logs: a38d0a3a-1ea3-4801-a38c-05c456cee282

Did you try the JSON Status of the HDHR units to see what IP is holding them up ? ...

example ..

        "Resource": "tuner0"
        "Resource": "tuner1"
        "Resource": "tuner2"
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Good idea!
Only problem is if tuner sharing is enabled on the clients it will always show the IP of the Channels server as the TargetIP.

I share my Tuners with Emby Plex and Sagetv using Channels M3U and do not have tuner lockups. I know in EMBY if watching on Android device you should use the arrow on upper left corner to close the Streams properly ...

@troyhough I’ll check it out.

I know it's Channels DVR locking the tuners. If I reboot Emby they are still in use. If I update to latest Beta on Channels DVR and reboot it, the tuners are immediately released.

Ya it's almost always ATV sources, if every time. Can't force my kids, wife, etc to properly change channels, back out, etc. Sometimes the garage TV will timeout because the Wifi is super weak out there so maybe that could cause it.

It never ever did it with Channels DVR until it started just semi-recently.

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I just reproduced it by shutting down EMBY incorrectly it locked the tuner but after a few minutes Channels DVR closed it.... If I remember correctly that is the way it is supposed to work.... The problem with EMBY goes way back ...

My best guess is there’s something wrong with how we handle issues when the HDHR returns a “No Data” error and I have to figure out exactly what the steps are that cause it to happen.

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@troyhough Please try the latest pre-release and let us know if it's any better.

@eric Just installed 2024.05.26.0350. Will let you know if they stick going forward. Thanks

Hi @eric channel 51.1 is locked up right now. Just sent over logs. Thanks


Just for fun I grabbed my phone and tuned to Ch 51.1 using Channels. It used (shared) the tuner slot that was already locked up, not using a different available slot. I clicked the 'Done' button. The tuner slot is still locked. So apparently tuning to that same channel and stopping it doesn't unlock it. Just an FYI.