Missing channels philo tve

im missing cable type channels such as discovery,history,paramount and so forth.
tryed rescan,delete sourse,reboot computer. no good... This is a new install on my laptop because board went bad in the PC.

Are you using the latest Pre-Release version of the Channels DVR Server?

What does the Troubleshooting tool show?
dvr web UI Support > Troubleshooting

What errors display in those channels authorization status?

Have you tried to rescan just the individual channels with errors

Yes latest software from your site downloaded and installed. Update says latest version.
No errors that I seen.
Yes I rescanned and even deleted and reinstalled Philo. Same thing

What version do you have?

Says channel not authorized. I rescan individual channels takes me to the channel site and I sign in. It signed in just fine and sight plays no problem. Go Bach to channels and rescan says channel not authorized. Those channels after rescan is not in the guide line up.

Version 2024.01.08.1431

That's not the latest Pre-Release version. v2024.01.19.0618 is the latest.
The link I posted before shows you how to update Pre-Release

And after you update, this link I posted shows you how to rescan individual channels in error

If you still have the same issue after doing the above steps,
Run the Troubleshooting tool on the dvr web UI under Support > Troubleshooting
And if it reports no errors, submit diagnostics.

Installed the prerelease no change. Ran the troubleshoote in intensive test no errors.

Diagnostic submitted

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I'm also a user of Philo.
don't forget that CMT and Tvland/local have been removed.

Removed? Can you explain a little bit more

I’m just trying to get History, Discovery, cable channels of that category back on my guide list. It was all there on the puter that died. I pay for these channels so it’s not like I’m cheating.

These no longer work with Channels DVR and were removed from it

All of the cable channels were working fine until I reloaded the hard drive with all fresh software.
And that was Saturday just 2 days ago.

So when you added Philo again, for authorization you did use your Philo email address and responded to the link that was sent.
