Continuing the discussion from Changes in channel lineups:
I didn't keep track of when these channels were removed, just the fact they were. There were others removed before I started keeping track. If anyone wants to post what they were, I'll add them to the list.
6783 AMGTV DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1544 by fancybot
6xxx Bally RSN's
6058 BRAVO (EASTERN) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6059 BRAVO (PACIFIC) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6010 CC DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6011 CCP DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6773 CMCUSA DVR Pre-Release Notes - #985 by fancybot
6016 CMT DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6017 CMTP DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6051 CNBC DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6753 CONTV DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1634 by fancybot
6781 DABL DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1309 by fancybot
6056 E! (EASTERN) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6057 E! (PACIFIC) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6763 FRANCE 24
6159 GOLF CHANNEL DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6786 HEARTLAND DVR Pre-Release Notes - #985 by fancybot
6024 LOGO DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6025 LOGOP DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6156 Marquee Sports Network
6150 MSG
6151 MSG+
6050 MSNBC DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6012 MTV DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6013 MTVP DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6093 MYSTERYALLEY DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1528 by fancybot
6757 NASA DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1514 by fancybot
6194 NBA
6000 NBC Local DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6758 NBC NEWS DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6161 NBC SPORTS NETWORK (NBCSN) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6167 NBCSN BAY AREA DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6166 NBCSN BOSTON DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6168 NBCSN CALIFORNIA DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6164 NBCSN CHICAGO DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6169 NBCSN NORTHWEST DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6171 NBCSN PHILLADELPHIA DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6170 NBCSN PHILLY PLUS DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6165 NBCSN WASHINGTON DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6163 NESN DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1514 by fancybot
6764 NEWSMAX DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1148 by fancybot
6759 NEWSNET DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1509 by fancybot
6192 NFL NETWORK DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1131 by fancybot
6182 NFL RED ZONE DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1131 by fancybot
6029 NICKJRP DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1297 by fancybot
6160 OLYMPIC CHANNEL DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6060 OXYGEN (EASTERN) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6061 OXYGEN (PACIFIC) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6190 P12ARZ DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1463 by fancybot
6191 P12BAY DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1463 by fancybot
6188 P12LAX DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1463 by fancybot
6186 P12MTN DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1463 by fancybot
6185 P12NAT DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1463 by fancybot
6187 P12ORG DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1463 by fancybot
6189 P12WAS DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1463 by fancybot
6022 PARAMOUNT DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6023 PARAMOUNTP DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6777 PBS Kids
6004 PBS Local
6096 POP Removed before Pre-Release Notes
6785 RETROTV DVR Pre-Release Notes - #985 by fancybot
6754 REVN DVR Pre-Release Notes - #985 by fancybot
6162 SNY DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6782 STADIUM (Replaced by 6791 THENEST) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1309 by fancybot
6054 SYFY (EASTERN) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6055 SYFY (PACIFIC) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6020 TVLAND DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6021 TVLANDP DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1462 by fancybot
6332 UNIVERSO (EASTERN) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6333 UNIVERSO (PACIFIC) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6052 USA (EASTERN) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot
6053 USA (PACIFIC) DVR Pre-Release Notes - #870 by fancybot