MLB.TV for Channels

are you still having issues? if so, i can PM you so we can take a look at some logs and try to figure out what's going on. if MLB has updated their API correctly, it should just work...but if they have made a change i'd like to get it fixed ASAP so that when they take over other local broadcasts they all just work as soon as the switch is made. i'm in the LA market, so i don't have a way of checking how this would look with the padres - if you're in SD and having issues, we can work them out together and figure out what's going on.

I think its resolved itself but I will double check tonight's game.

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Issue is gone. Not sure why it was happening but it's all clear now.

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my guess is that it took MLB a few days/weeks/whatever to update their API to remove the blackout zone. glad it's working now though...hopefully if they take over additional teams in the coming days/weeks, they'll handle it better.

quick note, i found an issue with big inning feed when it doesn't start on the hour (example: tonight, it started at 8:30pm eastern). i have a fix that seems to be working for me locally, so i'll try to put together a release for and get it out there tonight or tomorrow.

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I was in the middle of watching the Padres/Giants game and everything froze. Turns out I think there was a kernel panic on my Unraid instance and when I restarted I no longer had any MLB channels showing up. I went into the DVR menu and it showed "0" channels. When I tried to manually reload nothing populated. I tried to repeat setup within the custom channel and got the following error

Not seeing anything weird in the logs and when I navigate to the M3U and EPG urls directly they load.

Any thoughts?


I rolled back to the latest previously stable version of Unraid and everything seems to be working again. I'll report back if anything changes.

How do we find out what version we have installed?

So you're back to 6.11.5 from 6.12.0 (or .1)?

I went back to 6.11.5 because the .1 hadn't come out yet. But, I'm going to stick with this for a while now.

Probably a good call.... I usually wait a bit after a new release let issues get flushed out and then once they have a month or so with no more updates, then move forward with an update. I have no need to be on the bleeding edge, when things just work for now, but I also don't want to fall way behind and never update.

so i found this on the reddit that was created by the admin: GitHub - tonywagner/mlbserver

seems very powerful, it does Multiview, streams minor leagues, Dominican winter league, game changer (cycles through games) and a lot more.

i prefer @crackers8199 solution since its more elegant and easy. Maybe some of you can dig into this and provide tips. Still trying to figure out how i can leverage this Multiview and maybe MiLB.

I attempted to play with this last week or so but being a complete beginner with python, I really couldn't figure it out. I was mostly interested in some way to download an archived game, bonus points for selecting the radio feed, always been interested in getting that working too

I got it installed on my Unraid, but am at work and can't play around with it much right now. Looking forward to get home and see if those m3u and xml links can import into Channels...

Iv been using both for the last couple of seasons. Crackers container is far superior for live games, the tonywagner server is brilliant for on demand games. Multiview is very reosurce intensive.

the reason i haven't put much effort into minor league games (besides just not having the time lately) is because i haven't been able to figure out a good way to number and order the channels. you're talking about 120 teams every night vs just 30, different levels, different leagues, etc...there's a lot more planning that would need to go into it vs just laying out a single league with 30 teams in whatever order you want. add maintaining the guide for 120 (or 150) teams to that as well. that being said, since there's clearly interest in it i'll see what i can do the next time i get a chance to take a look.

as for multiview, you can do that now with something like tivimate but as @Elliot said, it's VERY resource intensive. i have a separate container set up for that on my server because my clients (chromecast w/ google tv and tivo stream 4k) can't handle more than one or two streams at 720p60. i have the multiview container scaled down to i believe 504p, which generally works pretty well for up to 6 or 7 streams.

also, i still have to get a release out with the fix for big inning. i've just been so busy over the past few weeks and months i haven't had any time to devote to this aside from a few quick looks to fix the big inning feed. i apologize for that, i've just been slammed.

no apologies needed man, I'm pretty sure I speak for all of us here when I say we are very grateful for the amazing work you've put into this and shared with us! It's fantastic and appreciated, at whatever pace works out! Thank you!


Cant get it to work on my Unraid box. Keep getting errors after it installs.

http get failed : Error: unable to verify the first certificate
  url: '',
  headers: {
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0',
    Origin: '',
    Referer: ''
  jar: RequestJar {
    _jar: CookieJar { enableLooseMode: true, store: [FileCookieStore] }
6/29/2023, 5:10:26 PM error : invalid json from url
6/29/2023, 5:10:26 PM setting blackout teams to []
6/29/2023, 5:10:41 PM homepage request : / from: ::ffff: using: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
http get failed : 400 - "{\"messageNumber\":11,\"message\":\"Invalid Request with value: 109,144,110,111,112,145,113,114,115,116,117,118,108,119,146,158,142,121,147,133,143,134,138,135,137,136,139,140,141,120,428,414,533,546,418,568,548,488,undefined,undefined\",\"timestamp\":\"2023-06-30T00:10:41.949858859Z\",\"traceId\":null}"

I've begun using external sources for the guide data and it has solved so many issues, I can set up a 'team' pass properly and the recordings are sorted / grouped correctly... Additionally I have team logos / channel logos etc...

The issue seem to be that the XMLTV Guide Data field keeps re-populating itself. How can I stop that?

EDIT: If anybody wants quick instructions for how to do this lmk

Instructions for using MLB Extra Innings as your guide source

Here's what I do:

  1. I had to go to 'Edit Settings' (for the mlb source) and do the following:
    1. clear the URL under XMLTV Guide Data
    2. set your 'options' to look like this:
    3. Click 'Save'
  2. click 'Manage Lineup' (for the mlb source)
  3. click the 'plus' next to the team you want guide data for and choose 'Search All Lineups'
  4. type the team name in the search box and choose the 'Extra Innings' source
  5. close the window
  6. redownload guide data
  7. Search for your team, and add your team pass as per usual!

Hope that helps!

NOTE: Never click on 'reload m3u' or it will pull the XMLTV Guide Data from the EPG url again. If you do start getting the 'old' guide data again, just clear the XMLTV Guide Data URL, and Save, and 'redownload guide data' again, and you should be good to go.