MLB.TV for Channels

as @nilephant hinted at previously, its probably best to wait for the Developer to weigh in at this point. youre not the only one with the issue since yesterday.

Thanks, I did remove the radio feed, rebuilt it, but it still has my channels as .1 I think I will try removing both the radio and video feed part of the environment and see if it will re do my channel numbers.

Here is what my environments looks like and it is working

You also need to reload the m3u in the dvr and probably need to delete and recreate the guide database for the channels to show correct

Yup, that's how mine looks like too. I checked on the and I see both the playlist and epg data, that's how I know that It recreated the channels with the same .1
for example:

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1, channel-id="mlb-nym" channel-number="777.1" tvg-id="mlb-nym" tvg-name="NYM" tvg-logo="", New York Mets

Mabey try rolling back to 1.8.3?? I am on an older one I guess

That did it, going back to 1.8.3 did the trick. Have to remember not to update.


I just rolled back from matty8199/channels-baseball:latest to matty8199/channels-baseball:1.8.8 and it seems to be working again...


yeah this is definitely broken for some reason now.

1.8.8 worked here too. Thanks!

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i've tried 1.8.8 and 1.8.3, neither work. i'm getting "could not fetch playlist"

refresh your guide?

Yeah all fails. Manually going to ip:8088/m3u(epg) fails as well

The default of the container is 8080. Did you change it to 8088? Perhaps try a different port

Yes, rolling back to 1.8.3 worked for me as well

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another successful rollback to 1.8.3 here.

anyone having luck with Big Inning though?

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Yeah sorry I change the port

have you tried refreshing or clearing credentials yet? I had to after rolling back yesterday. this is what did the trick for me: