MLB.TV for Channels

just tried that. no change. its as if since rolling back that the m3u and epg aren't even getting generated. but no errors show in the log or anything.

I rolled back last night to 1.8.3 and it worked perfectly. Tonight - my sources are showing 0 channels and nothing will load. When I go to reauth the custom channel I get the above error. I tried 1.8.2 as well and am getting the same error.

Any thoughts? I'm able to navigate to the page, but when I click on EPG or Playlist - nothing loads. @crackers8199 - Any thoughts? Thanks for all you do.

Had to rollback my version to 1.8.3 too on my new server. Hopefully OP will take a look and fix the bug in the new version


things overall were weird yesterday across the board yesterday, i believe. i was in stadium and no audio feeds would load from the mobile app. same when i got home last night. i saw an uptick in complaints online with a quick google search, too.

hopefully things are better today. so far so good with the pregame screen this morning.

edit: i also noticed that my sources showed 0 channels last night, too. all good this morning after a refresh.

Is there a version of the docker that works for Big Inning?
I get the”off-air” screen when I can watch on both AppleTV+ and MLB app.

Has @crackers8199 gone? I sure wish he had open sourced the docker image first.

Can someone please check the kc royals feed and report back if they get a “event will begin shortly” or “this stream is off air”? Strangely I’m getting the event shortly on channels but off air when using VLC and it’s only this one channel.

"off-air" here (first pitch = 9:10 EDT)

Does anyone know how to downgrade to 1.8.3 using the Portainer UI? Thanks

Click on the container then click duplicate/edit and fill in the image as follows then redeploy the container


Thanks, I also needed to reset my password, but whenever I try to update my env settings in Portainer, it just keeps the original entries even though I entered something new. Any idea how to change the env variable using the Portainer UI?

You might want to switch to using Docker-Compose, which is supported through Portainer-Stacks. A suggested compose can be seen here:

Don't edit the compose unless absolutely necessary, everything you need to specify that's unique to your setup can typically be done using the established environment variables.

In my last screenshot under the red arrow is says “env” click that. Make the changes and then redeploy the container again to save the changes

Right, that's what I try, it lets me edit the text before I click Deploy the container, but afterward, the env text just revert back to what it was to begin with.

sorry guys, i'm here. was in europe for a while so i haven't been doing much. i'll take a look and see what i can figure out.


Same...but at least 1.8.3 works well...

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I moved back to 1.8.3 to fix the previous issue. Today, all my MLB channels say no game available even though the streams actually work. I’ve restarted the docker container and also redownloaded XML. Anyone seeing this issue?

Edit to say that I know at the time of this post, no games are on. Mets Rockies earlier worked but showed like this in the guide.

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A little late to comment on guide earlier today but my games recorded correctly. The guide data is blank now for the all star break though. You can check your guide data for the future games by going to the web ui guide and selecting Friday and check if there is data. I can confirm I’m getting guide data for games on Friday and Saturday and there is no guide data until Friday.

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I've tried 1.8.3, 1.8.8 and latest, no dice on any of them.

2024/07/19 23:41:38.300082 [HLS] Couldn't generate stream playlist for ch791-dANY-ip127.0.0.1: M3U: Stream Not Available
2024/07/19 23:41:38.300082 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch791-dANY-ip127.0.0.1 (out=0s finished=false first_seq=0 last_seq=-1)

It seems there's a larger issue at hand: Video feeds no longer authenticate or play with the older MLB API used by this image (there are similar reports on other MLB stream repos):

Screenshot 2024-07-20 at 12.58.04 AM

{ "errors": [ { "code": "access-token.invalid", "description": "auth.bad-partner" } ] }