MSG and YES Networks

Does anyone else need to manually add the new stream link for each game? MSG was working perfectly fine up until a few months ago for me.

Yes, I have to add the MSG/MSGSN m3u8 URLs approximately every 48 hours. YES Network seems to work for several weeks before needing the m3u8 URL to be replaced.

Yes, I've been trying to refresh the stream before every game. This has been working very well, but PITA of course. Every once in a while i forget and the recording may or may not work. I've gotten lucky a few times though.
Anyone find an easy way to do this? I've been using the android app Tincat in desktop mode allows me to log into and capture the stream link, but it recently began having ads in the app so I'm looking for another/ easier/ faster way.

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I know how the developers feel about RSNs but it would appear that the MSG Network's TVE channels have not seen additional changes since they broke the previous TVE integration. Perhaps the Channels developers would reconsider adding it but I wouldn't expect it. YES Network has the disadvantage of requiring a specific YES Network login before the TVE authentication so that would probably be a much more difficult ask. I believe they have previously said they wouldn't add such channels.


That is interesting - YES seems to work for me most of the time. It is definitely not an every night issue as it is for MSG

If I'm not mistaken, different TVE channels set the user authorization duration for different lengths of time. It could be one day, it could be a whole month. Channels handles this automatically so that we never notice.

First time I have ever heard PITA before!

Does anyone know the proper code to get the MSGSN2 to populate in the channel guide? I used to use the following, but it doesn't work anymore

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="US138:MSG2" tvg-logo="" group-title="Sports" channel-number="6152",US138:MSG2

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How do I get the m3u8 into ChannelsDVR?

The recent change from MSG GO to MSGPLUS.TV has eliminated the ability to add MSG and MSG SN's m3u8 to Channels.

Just a heads-up. Yu can still switch your browser user agent to a Safari variant to retrieve the m3u8. Still works in channels just fine.

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Could you explain how you do this? Last season I used Tincat browser on my android phone and was able to generate the m3u8, didn't seem to work this year during today's preseason game.

Please walk us through how you did this thanks

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Sure. For example, in Chrome, you can install this plugin:

Then, use it to change your browser's user agent by choosing Safari ---> Mac Safari 7 from the plugin's dropdown list.

Then, when you log into the new MSG+, it will load the various channels in HLS (m3u8) format instead of DASH (mpd) format. From there, all you have to do is grab the m3u8 link the way you always did before, using the F12 developer tools to watch the network traffic coming into the browser. Once you have the link (should have index.m3u8 in it), you can paste it into a custom channel in your Channels DVR backend.

Hope this helps!

I was able to use the extension but I cannot find the m3u8 when pressing f12 please explain how I do this thanks.


Everything works except for sound

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Hi, I tried to do this but when I switch to Mac Safari 7, the video stream immediately stops and won't play again until I change the browser's user agent back to Chrome or any of the others. Any suggestion as to what to try next?

SuperD - Are you, by any chance, grabbing one of the numbered m3u8s and not index.m3u8 from MSG's site? They split the audio and video into separate streams and the sub-playlists wouldn't know where to find the audio. Double-check which link you're capturing.

Augie- The stream stopping shouldn't matter. It still loads the index.m3u8 in the network monitor tab, so you should be able to snag it. If you're having trouble doing that, try this Chrome addon:

It grabs every m3u8 link loaded by the page and sorts it into a nice list for you to copy.

I am having a issue with the links I believe they are dynamic links so they keep on changing and no longer work atleast it is for the MSG, the SNY channel is fine though