MSG and YES Networks

I played a MSG feed from my chrome browser, I used Video Sniffer to get the URL of MSG, and pasted into GetChannels Custom Channel. Then when I went into the guide and clicked on it then watch now, it just said reconnecting, then showed nothing. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I tried the same for YESnetwork - same thing.

Can anyone help me - I love Channels DVR - but MSG is one of the main channels I bought it record. thx

I moved your posts since those channels are not TVE channels available in Channels DVR.

The last "Official" word on MSG hasn't changed as far as I know

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Your comments in this thread have been very helpful. I was able to create a custom channel for YES, but there's no info for the channel in the guide. How do I pull in guide data for YES network?

Add a customer source, give it a name, stream format=HLS, Source=text, in body of text:

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="callsign" tvc-guide-stationid="46275" channel-number="6205",YES Network

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Thanks. That's what I had. For whatever reason, the guide info didn't populate when I initially set it up, but it's there now.

Stumbling on this thread may have just saved me $60/mo to fubo. Going to try it out tonight. Thanks for the inspiration realmad!

Any idea if there's a way to automate this, because I keep forgetting to refresh my link and I keep missing recordings. I have been experimenting with Docker recently and would love to set up something that can login for me and automatically refresh the 0.m3u8 link. Any ideas anyone?

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I actually spent part of the day yesterday looking to reverse engineer a different project in order to do exactly this. If I ever get it working I’ll be sure to post.


Seems to be working ok for me.....what took the longest to figure out???? why i had no video feeds from any browser after i logged int yes etc????? Yup adblocker was killing full login on my 3 browsers.

Seems ok for now even with the few live feed delays

Hey there - were you able to figure out how to add MSG and YES to Custom Channels? I have login information for both and can't figure out how to copy and paste the correct .m3u8

I wasn't able to figure it out - tried and doesn't record. If anyone could provide more info - it'd REALLY be appreciated

Thank you very much for this!

Did you figure out how to get it to work?

Yes! Duplicate the text from realmad's MSG screenshot (or for his YES) comment on January 24. It should be:

(specific text for either MSG or YES)
(link to the stream). To find the link for the stream sign into MSG / YES, play the live feed, right click it and click inspect. A complicated screen will popup; go to network on the top. On the left side you should see various .m3u8 files. Right click on and click copy the link address. Then paste that here. It should work!

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I've found that getting this type of stream in the case for MSG, is not reliable for recording. Someone else reported issues with it as well in this thread.

Update - it seems that you need to "re-add" the .m3u8 YES link ever so often

Thanks - I finally got around to trying it again, and both YES and MSG work. thx

Hockey season is starting again and I need to refresh myselfon how to get MSG and MSG+ into channels. Has anyone did this in the past few weeks, has anything changed? I can't seem to find the Watch Tv option on their website to generate the m3u8 stream.

The process listed in the forums to manually add the msg networks still works the same. Set it up and used it this week. Make sure you go to and it should take you directly to provider login to watch tv