Multiple TVE Issues (Viacom/Paramount Networks channels)

I am having issues with Philo and multiple TVE Channels. Seems to be Paramount, VH1, MTV, CMT, BET, and Comedy Central.

I am getting the following when I try to tune to them…

I submitted log 66be339b-2816-4e8a-ba5a-c8cfd4bb7647

I am on the latest beta.



I'm seeing the same.

Getting 403 Forbidden and 404 Not Found errors on and off.
                2024/03/19 15:53:19.334960 [SYS] Starting Channels DVR v2024.03.19.2225 (linux-x86_64 pid:7) in /channels-dvr/data

6010-CC         2024/03/19 16:54:08.313589 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6010: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6010-CC         2024/03/19 17:01:20.492345 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6010 from (bitrate=4806)
6010-CC         2024/03/19 18:40:36.374081 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6010: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 403 Forbidden
6010-CC         2024/03/19 18:44:50.485351 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6010 from (bitrate=4806)

6011-CCP        2024/03/19 16:54:22.529329 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6011: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6011-CCP        2024/03/19 16:58:36.512277 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6011 from (bitrate=4806)
6011-CCP        2024/03/19 18:40:55.830237 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6011: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 403 Forbidden
6011-CCP        2024/03/19 18:47:33.707037 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6011 from (bitrate=4806)

6012-MTV        2024/03/19 18:41:48.077888 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6012: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6012-MTV        2024/03/19 20:20:07.462648 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6012 from (bitrate=4806)

6020-TVLAND     2024/03/19 16:36:53.699110 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6020: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6020-TVLAND     2024/03/19 16:52:21.826966 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6020 from (bitrate=4806)

6021-TVLANDP    2024/03/19 16:36:33.167070 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6021: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6021-TVLANDP    2024/03/19 16:51:13.054015 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6021 from (bitrate=4806)

6022-PARAMOUNT  2024/03/19 16:50:11.069291 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6022: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6022-PARAMOUNT  2024/03/19 16:55:18.243001 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6022 from (bitrate=4806)

6023-PARAMOUNTP 2024/03/19 16:49:29.689567 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6023: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6023-PARAMOUNTP 2024/03/19 16:57:33.497215 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6023 from (bitrate=4806)

6024-LOGO       2024/03/19 16:37:41.067718 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6024: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6024-LOGO       2024/03/19 16:47:16.582213 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6024 from (bitrate=4806)

6025-LOGOP      2024/03/19 16:37:24.340524 [ERR] Failed to start stream for ch6025: TVE: Could not fetch playlist from 404 Not Found
6025-LOGOP      2024/03/19 16:44:27.955298 [HLS] Starting live stream for ch6025 from (bitrate=4806)

Logs have been submitted as e14e2c7f-9e83-419f-a061-917dd7e9675e

The Viacom/Paramount stations now require auth-tokens on their URLs

That figures. I'm fresh out of them. :laughing:
I'm assuming that's Google's Dynamic Ad Insertion Dynamic Ad Insertion  |  Google for Developers

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Well at least I am not the only one! :slight_smile:

I hope they can figure out a way to still implement them consistently. Rescanning any one of the channels from the lineup seems to correct the issue for all of them but eventually see the error again

I noticed that also last night. Scan one and they work for a while.

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Yeah, rescanning is reliable but it seems you need to do it every time? Maybe the developers can automate that somehow or find some other workaround. I hope so! Seems the channels affected are always the ones I used the most.


add tvland to the list of bad channels. logs below



im having the same issue. same behavior when rescanning.

I see the same, submitted diagnostics: 50a4c994-eb04-42c4-b74b-b78a9e3a3a53

Thanks for finding these things out! Is this similar to what happened last time?

FYI for everyone in this thread, Devs were able to fix after a few days, so hopefully the same this time!

All the more reason to have Chrome Capture for Channels setup as a backup source.

I'm having the same issues, and the same rescan results except I cannot seem to get IFC back playing. It has dropped off the channel list and when I try to rescan it the error is: no login form found.

Anyone else? Any clues?

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IFC is not one of the Viacom/Paramount Networks channels being discussed in this Topic thread.

See this Topic for the IFC issue TVE: no login form found when trying to tune to BBC America and IFC

Thanks for the fix! Works great.

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Seems to all be back up and running! Every station took an extra hot minute to start working the first time, but it eventually got there.

I don't recall if this was the situation before, but it appears that Viacom is using geolocation, so all the west stations are showing east content to me. I could have sworn I did some testing a bit back where they were different and that's why I kept them around, but maybe I'm thinking of WBD stations?

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Just a bit of an update. When I tune to one of these channels I get the following error still. If I hit Play again like it says it works fine. I am on the latest beta…

I am having the same issue too.

Try restarting your channels server. Once I did that channels tuned without issue so far. Hope it continues as I have a show set to dvr on them tomorrow. :slight_smile: