My DVR Server won't log in

Its on my raspi, my power went out and now it says incorrect password.

Please take a photo

What is the green light on the front of the Pi doing?

what do you mean take a photo, it just says Login incorrect lol
I reset my password on the site but the page for dvr:setup8089 wont even work, or whatever the page I click on is.

To the left its blinking to the right its red

i literally just flashed the image again

now it says [31.711673] vcc-sd disabling

does it automatically find my computer and I have to be logged in on the computer or hows it work as the directions are extremely vague. Im logged in on the getchannels page and Ive changed my password so I know thats right but ints saying Login Incorrect.

Are you setting up for the first time?

You use http://dvr-server to set it up. There is nothing you need to do on the Pi screen

You can check your router and see what the IP of the Pi is and use that to access it too.

Try both http://dvr-server and http://dvr-server.local

You can visit that from any device on your home network and that's where the dvr is configured

If the light is not solid green it means the Pi is not connected to your network. Is it plugged into your router?

If you really want to login on the console, just use username root

But that's not going to help you do anything

Here are the docs on the LED blinking patterns

I too am having the issue of the dvr-server login while trying to install the img through the usb hard drive. I have tried installing it multiple times intermittently reflashing the script from the SD card to allow booting from USB and every time it results in the login screen and even when I plug my channels DVR credentials it says wrong username and password. Is there a way to bypass that prompt or is there a generic user/password that would at least let me through this part of the installation? (Btw when I booted it was without the SD card in the drive just the USB hard drive plugged in. When I did have them both plugged in, it resulted in the SD card boot taking over and getting back to the normal os login - although I did see the DVR as an external drive with nothing on it on the desktop).

That login screen means the server is installed. You can type "root" to login, but that's not necessary to setup the dvr. Setup happens in a web browser from another device using http://dvr-server

I did what you suggested, yet still wasn't able to make work. Tried both DVR-server and DVR-server.local Any suggestions?

Does http://dvr-server.local:8089 work?

Type ip addr in the console

Then use that IP http://x.x.x.x

Is the light on the front of the Pi solid green?

Seems to me its not connected to ethernet.

When i connect mine, after boot, it shows.
bcmagent..... eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full.....
IPv6: ..... eth0: link becomes ready.

If the pi does not get a network connection, you won't be able to connect to it.
If you do have it connected via ethernet, check to make sure the cable is good and if u get a connection using some other computer with it.

If it is good, then you may have a bad ethernet port on the Pi or some other issues as to why it won't get connected.

So I took a two-week hitus from trying to setup the Raspberry Pie 4 as nothing I tried was working.

To answer @tmm1 Aman's question on the Raspberry Pie 4: the green is blinking and the red is solid. what does that mean?

I tried again to do what both Aman (@tmm1) and Rob (@hancox) suggested but it didn't work. I attached the screenshots below.

Please let me know what to try next?

(as a sidenote: I am of course no expert, but it feels to me that the fact that the DVR Server immediately jumps to disabling mode doesn't even let the server connect to the network and therefore I am unable to connect to if from my imac's web browser.)


i suggest @speedingcheetah 's steps first - that looks an awful lot like your pi isn't on the network, for whatever reason.