NAS gone wrong

you might just want to check the proximity of your coax and data cables. I have a small powered antenna and was having crappy signal signal. I was doing the flooring in that room and bundled everything together into a wire mess. apparently this impacted the reception. during my troubleshooting the issue, I moved the wires away from each other and improved my reception from 60% to mid to high 90% fixing all my issues. EMI can deff cause you some issues. see what you have going on.

ok I will check it out...

thanks i'm gonna check the videos out.
sigh I wish that we could get Locast back lol

They didn't have that in my area so wouldn't know.

oh was an awesome service

Jumping in here to mention that my Channels was broken for months, similar issues to @mikchek. Recordings jumped and said they were interrupted, live TV lost a connection 30 seconds in consistently but the confounding thing was that the HDHR app on my apple TV worked (the guide is horrific) so nothing led me to think there was something fundamentally wrong. There was nothing I could figure out to fix it, tried everything. Yesterday I turned off LACP and it's back to working perfectly. I think DSM 7 may have changed something because to my knowledge, I had LACP (not sure with type) turned on in DSM 6 but everything worked. The version of LACP I just disabled/deleted was adaptive/standby. Since no one could help figure out my issues, wanted to mention it here.


What’s is LACP?

Link aggregation as someone pointed out in the thread earlier. When you create a bond between the two LAN ports. I didn’t do it for any reason except that it was there to tinker with.

Remember that when you set aggregation on the device, you need to also set those ports on your switch to use the same method of aggregation. Failure to ensure both sides are set the same will lead to random network issues that can be a pain to track down.

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