Need help setting up EPlusTV docker container

  1. IF it doesn't work, Post screen shots of your Custom Channel, Your docker variables, the IP of your PC with Docker Desktop and IP of Channels.

  2. What is the IP of your DVR (Channels)

  3. What is the IP of the box you have the ePlus Docker on?

Same box. I will make a video with all of this.

Can you check to see if port 8000 is open?

I think the main issue is this

Not sure why this thread keeps continuing.... weve told you dozens of times.... deploy this and follow the directions exactly. It has worked for all the rest of us

Someone really needs to close this thread....

What's the point of a forum if help is not provided? I will make a video following the guide to a tee and hopefully someone can figure out what goes wrong. Also, the directions are vague and not precise.

Finally got it working. DNS server was funky because spectrum has a weird DNS

docker run --dns= -p 8000:8000 -v config_dir:/app/config -e ESPN3=TRUE -e SECPLUS=TRUE -e ACCX=TRUE -e FOXSPORTS=TRUE -e ESPNPLUS=FALSE m0ngr31/eplustv:latest

now it works! How do I prefer 4k/UHD content where available, I know this is a new topic.

The default is UHD/SDR so you should already get 4k when available. You can try -e MAX_RESOLUTION=UHD/HDR for HDR, but for most (all?) of us, this causes 4k streams to not record at all (404 errors).

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Also, make sure to check the 4K box in the experimental section of your channels dvr

My server rebooted and broke the docker. What can I do to fix it? I am not able to pull up any events

The tokens seem to be okay but not showing events

Deleted docker got this

This again, maybe? Was same issue on earlier screenshots. I used Spectrum DNS for years, though, and the last bunch with this docker, so not sure what you were on about, to start.

Have you tried updating the guide?

I just kept removing docker until it works thanks.