Netgear TVE issue

I seem to be having a similar issue, after my channel scans most of my channels have the "context cancelled" notation. Any tips to resolve this issue would be appreciated?

I'm running the latest beta software, using Chrome on a Windows machine with the server housed on a Netgear NAS.

Click and hold the Log In button after entering your TVE user/pass

I tried re-entering the password and received the context cancelled message while holding the log in button; I then deleted Xfinity as a provider and tried adding it back and whether holding the log in button or clicking once I get a Context Cancelled message and Xfinity doesn't add itself as a TVE provider.

My Chrome is updated but I'm guessing this must be a browser issue on my side, any other settings that I may be missing?

Click Support > Troubleshooting > Submit on your dvr

Just submitted. One more note, Chrome is warning me that my connection is not secure and that the certificate is not valid. When I examine the certificate through the properties it states it's valid through 9/9/2022.

Your connection to which site?

I assumed the site referenced was the Channels DVR page in both Chrome and Mozilla.

Did you update your readynas recently?

Do you know how to enable ssh and connect to run commands?

I haven't updated the readynas all that soon recently although I have the latest update.

I don't know how to enable ssh but if you give me a quick pointer I can hopefully figure it out.

I think you can find it in their UI or docs

I would like to see the output of this command:

ls -alh /lib/ld*.so /lib64/ld*.so

I appreciate your help but I ran into a wall trying to figure out to run commands. I set the DVR up on my PC and the TVE seems to be fine and I'm getting the expected channels, that may just be the long term fix.