NEW: DVR Server + Tailscale integration, for easier Away from Home access (Experimental)

You will have to install Tailscale app on your iPhone

Thanks I’ll try it!

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Ok so the Tailscale app has to be running also. I assume this will be built into the future Channels iOS and iPadOS apps? Apple TV app too?


@reliant-K yep, that’s our eventual goal.

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Works great. Haven’t been able to get remote viewing to work in quite awhile, this simplifies things a bunch!


An TestFlight build is available with Tailscale integrated into iOS and tvOS. The UI is still very rough, but can be found under Settings > Debug > Tailscale.

On the iPhone/iPad: Select Enable and then tap Login once the Status has updated
On the Apple TV: Select Enable and then scan the small QR code once it is visible

This will allow you to connect an Apple TV remotely via Tailscale, and use Channels on iOS without Tailscale VPN app installed.

Please try it out and let us know how it works.

Awesome, great job. Question, if it’s left on, is it smart enough to know if you are on the lan or does it always route through Tailscale?


Yes it is smart about LAN

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I enabled and signed into Tailscale on the iOS beta but it doesn’t seem to work? I leave my network and I’m presented with the cannot connect screen, do I also need remote access enabled?

Both the DVR and my iPhone show up in the Tailscale admin UI as being connected :man_shrugging:


Did you click connect > at home and enter the Tailscale IP of the dvr?

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Missed that bit, assumed it would auto discover :pray:

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This makes it so easy to switch between my four servers from a client when remote.
Thank you devs! :clap:

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I successfully used the new Tailscale integration on my Apple TV today. Works great. So glad to have this, I have a remote Apple TV at a vacation home and now I’ve got access to my home local channels and DVR. Thanks!


I love this!! Any thoughts on when an Android app integration (built into the Channels Android app) will occur? I know you cant give specific dates, but just curious if this is being worked on now or is at least on the roadmap for some more future date.


It's in the plans. We're using the Apple platforms to figure out how to make it all work because there is no alternative on the Apple TV. On Android streaming boxes, it is possible to install the Tailscale agent directly, so it's less of a requirement to have it built into the app compared to Apple TV.


Loving this feature. I have it working on my iPhone but can’t get past the initial setup screen on my Apple TV. I have version 5.5.5 installed on my Apple TV. I have Tailscale enabled in the DVR server. As I indicated above I have it working on my iPhone. For the Apple TV, when I am at a remote location I am presented with the setup screen and can choose “ at home” or “away from home”. How do I connect the Apple TV to my Tailscale account? Thanks so much.


There isn't a way to get to the tailscale connect screen yet for a fresh remote install.

Thanks for your quick response. So you need to prep your Apple TV at home and then take it remote? Many thanks

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Does this work for a FireTV Stick as the client or would I need to have another system acting as a Tailscale exit node at the remote site? I enabled the server on my Synology and used the IP address in the Connect At Home section, but at the remote site it gives the error message that "A Channels DVR server was not found" at the IP address.

I also have standalone Tailscale running on my Synology and tried that IP address with the same error.

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You need to install Tailscale on the FireTV