New Feature: Safer deleting with Trash

What happens if you run low on Space is Channels DVR smart enough to delete from this trash folder to record new episodes ?

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No, it doesn't currently take that into account. How much free disk space would you want to keep available?

Currently none of our deletion logic takes into account available disk space and it hasn't been something that most of our customers have had a need for at this point.

Do you often run low on disk space on your DVR?

I believe this was previously discussed but the option to delete recordings after X number of days might solve this problem. For me personally, delete after 1 day will suffice

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I don't currently have any space issues, but I also don't know why I would need a deleted program for a full 7-days. I think 99% of my restore program needs would be on a program I accidentally deleted (so I would know immediately). I guess it's possible that another household member deletes a show and I might not notice for a few days? In that case, keeping it around longer isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Being able to custom define the length would make it more flexible for those who don't want to use up the space.

I would prefer to define the amount of space reserved for the deleted items. For example, if I reserved 150GB of space for deleted items, it would just save the recordings indefinitely until that limit is reached. Once the limit was reached, it would prune the oldest programs. Not sure if this would create other potential issues though.

mmm Maybe an Option to disable this feature ... I just do not like having deleted recordings taking up space and not be able to use that space when needed without manually doing something. ... I think I prefer going back to my regular Synology trash bin. I usually binge watch and delete full seasons.

Right now I have over 100 Episodes deleted but no space freed.


I've just released v2020.02.14.0245 that adds an option for specifying how long to keep recordings in the Trash before deleting them. To be the safest the default is 10 days.


Awesome. Thank you.

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Testing out, works great. Now that this is in place, it would really improve user flow if pressing delete didn't prompt you. After all, it isn't gone for good now, so the necessity for a prompt goes away. I would love to get rid of those extra prompts that slow me down! Thanks for all the work.

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It’s coming in the client soon.

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I love this feature!

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I also would like to see auto-prune functionality when the disk space is running low (allow the ability to specify a disk space remaining % perhaps). The deleted files caused me to run out of space this week and I didn't realize it until today causing me to miss some recordings.


Thanks for letting us know this happened to you. It helps us prioritize auto-pruning based on disk space.

Defaulting to 10 Days is part of the problem .... it should default to the lowest and have the user set it to what they want. Personally I wish you could disable it.


It would be cool idea to have an auto-prune that would delete the oldest recordings on the device (that haven't been deleted) in order to make room for new recordings. This would obviously need some design work and would need to be an option or be designed into all of the season passes along with the ability to save forever (or lock, etc.) recordings from being removed. Because when my device runs out of space, I would rather have it prune a recording from 4 years ago vs something that was deleted yesterday (possibly by accident). Again, would need some work and thought but could be great.

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I would prefer to be able to turn this feature off. When I delete a program, I wanted it deleted off permanently.

It's also somewhat wasteful with space. For example, when I record something like Forensic Files (which is all repeats) and only want to keep the last 10-15 episodes at any one time, it records many and the extras get deleted during maintenance. But they're not actually being deleted now, they're sitting out there for 3 days. So all of the sudden, my DVR has 30-40 of these episodes on hard disc at any one time which is not what I want.

Maybe at the very least, you can turn this setting on/off when you setup a season pass.

It's useful for some people in some situations, but it's not useful for everybody all the time.

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I agree with all the other folks - there must be a way to turn the feature off, or rather, opt in to turn it on in the first place. It's a great feature, but forcing folks to have large storage spaces for deleted files doesn't seem like a good idea - not everyone needs this. I didn't even know it existed until I was seeing radical, unexplained changes in the free space that I have for CDVR recordings.

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This feature totally disrupts the way that I maintain space on my Synology... I tried to see if I can work around it but I cannot please give the option to disable ... I have gone the route of deleting outside of Channels DVR and running prune deleted.

The latest DVR beta changes the default from 10 days to 3 days.

Is changing the setting to 1 Day instead of 3 reduce your usage enough to be palatable?

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For those struggling with space constraints because of the new Trash feature, you can also permanently delete the files from the trash before their scheduled removal date manually. I know it's not the same as disabling the Trash, but it's basically the same as manually managing your deleted files and purge manually. (It's probably easier, too, since you don't have to navigate through various folders to find your deleted programs ... they're all in one list.)

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