New ONN Pro coming?

Ethernet + good hardware specs for about the price of an outdated CCWGTV? Sign me up!

Chromecast killer? Walmart's leaked 4K box could be the ultimate streaming device - Android Authority


Read this article yesterday that went into some additional detail:

If it really stays $50, I'm definitely interested!

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Read about it here.

It does not sound good to me, esp for $50,
the only upside appears to be a little more memory for loading more apps on it and Ethernet port.
Otherwise the article says the original 2019 Android TV ONN is the best performer vs the Google TV and Pro versions.

It also has 3 G Ram and 32G Storage ... so that in itself makes it better. USB 3.0 port.


Picking mine up later today Ill report back what i find etc........I was totally shocked when i found it on the Walmart site last i ordered 1 for pickup....Then it went out of stock a few min later....BUT got the "order ready for pickup" email this morn so we shall see.


Mine Should arrive today .... stay tuned.


I just got mine. I have a usb 3.0 gigabit network adapter. I plugged it in the USB port and the device is using it right now for setup. That's encouraging. I haven't been able to check the link speed to see if it is in fact 1GB...

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I heard it can only read play video from FAT32 USB Drives not exFat (buffers) not sure if you can test this ... mine is out for delivery.

nah I dont care about external storage

Mine came with the premium remote some are shipped with a lesser remote for same price. I still prefer the NEWER FireTV Cube but it is much better than the Google 4K Chromecast.

It does play DRM Cable channels using HDHR APP.

Walmart updates Onn 4K Pro listing to remove premium remote | AFTVnews


Speaking of remotes, I make do with my Shield Pro remote, but man, it would be awesome if there was such a thing as the definitive standard streaming box remote, no matter the platform, that simply worked and had a decent number of configurable buttons.

My Shield remote would do nicely if it had the red, green, yellow and blue added to it.

Perhaps there is a simple aftermarket remote that fits the bill that I'm unaware of?

[edit] Rude of me to go off-topic, perhaps I should make this post it's own thread?

Drops Frames when using Channels DVR to play ATSC 3.0 Streams.


All 3.0 channels or just some and not others? I have the same issue in my market on other devices however it's only really bad on 1 of the 5 3.0 channels (HDHR tuner). On a side note, 3 of the 5 channels have been DRM's so I guess it's now an issue on 1 of the 2 remaining 3.0 channels :frowning:

so far its solid BUT i did get a few reboots when switching back into channels from another app AND Projecity Launcher does NOT play nice with the Onn Pro
still testing etc

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the ONN box rebooted?

Yes the Onn Pro actually rebooted more than once Granted ive been messing with fast switching custom app button software BUT it did occur
My biggest gripe is the Projectity Launcher NOT seeing all the apps on the pro
Chanel's when running is Fast

Being that it was just released Im sure it will get better. Have you tried 'Apps only' mode?

I been testing it all day the new pro with channels. I have found if you disable the all channels guide it's extremely stable very hard to get it to crash and preparing tv as long as you stay in the app. Leaving the app and returning to it does cause the crash as usual :joy:. I also paired a Amazon pro remote for the backlight and also last channel and pause ff rw buttons. Only buttons that don't work is the settings button and the 4 preload buttons at the bottom and the 1 and 2 custom buttons. It's not as fast as one would expect even turning off animation etc in developer options but I think soon a a few updates come out it will only get better. ATM it's the best imo box on the market regardless of price, and I have just about every boxes out there. If you see one buy it they don't last long on the shelves or on the site


So the Channels app crashes repeatedly using this box, you don't prefer the ONN remote, and you say it is a little slow, but you recommend it. I think I will stick with my FireTV Max, where the Amazon Pro Remote is fully functional (my favorite remote), I don't remember the last time Channels app crashed, and it seems plenty fast for me. Of course, I am a little obtuse.

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