NFL Network Stream not found & unsupported encryption method

Looks like the website url to get to the live feed changed.
It's now at
And after I link my Provider, the video doesn't load. Just a spinning circle. Even after refreshing the web page. Using Firefox.
Just tried using MS EDGE and it works at their website.
Now working with Firefox too.

Channels DVR still doesn't work.
Logs have been submitted as c53c660a-3445-4393-8e96-476552eb088b
Same on another dvr server
Logs have been submitted as d9917f5e-e1fe-4453-b068-27e42db6e510

It appears its drm'd again. Not sure why they go on and off with the drm.

Doesn't appear to be DRM. What makes you think it might be?

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It depends on the user agent Channels is using to authenticate and get the stream. Last time I saw this occur, users were getting the same reported error "Unsupported encryption method". Just checking now, when you use a regular browser on your PC it was pulling a drm dash stream vs hls. Today it's not, but I am wondering if when this happened previously, Channels switched to authenticate and get the stream from an iOS user agent in order to get the HLS version. If you do that today you will get a drm HLS version. Obviously, some speculation on how they are doing things but I have a feeling it's erroring out due to this.

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I checked while streaming at their website using Firefox and didn't see that.
When I try to record with Channels DVR it fails "Stream unsupported due to encryption method: SAMPLE-AES" and I see this in the debug recording log.

at=2023-10-13T14:26:31.698156362-07:00 tag=nfl action=fetch url=" sequence=14 continuity_counter=0 duration=6.006 content_length=3614300 failed=permanently failed_while=fetch_key err="Stream unsupported due to encryption method: SAMPLE-AES" body_time=174.01µs time=168.869363ms status=segmentPermanentlyFailed

Logs have been submitted as 5abb2fd2-3ac3-4666-bf3a-3251657384ec

Went to watch the end of the NFL game on the NFL Network, and I get the error message "Connection Lost (-17). The connection to the tuner was lost. Press play to try again". I went to the Fire TV NFL app and was able to watch there.

Tried removing my source (Vidgo), and readded it to Channels, shows the NFL Channel in the source list as being available, but when I try to tune it in Channels, I get the error.

Is Channels having a problem with the NFL Channel?

Im seeing it too, as well as the redzone.

I think others have seen it the past week or so. The nfl network has been making changes all year. Check this thread out….

I had the London game set to record, but to my surprise woke up this morning with -17 instead of a game to watch :frowning:

Looking at the logs, showing this.... NFL Football: Stream unsupported due to encryption method: SAMPLE-AES

Just went to tune to the NFL Redzone and get the same error, "Connection Lost (-17). The connection to the tuner was lost. Press play to try again".

Same here, looks like it's all related to DRM. Hope its temporary...

NFLREDZONE: Stream unsupported due to encryption method: SAMPLE-AES

Was down for 5 days last time, then back up for 5 weeks.
It's been down again for 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 days so far...

Just wanted to let the devs know that the NFL network is no longer working with TVE it says connection lost.

I don't believe the NFL Network is available on Channels DVR TVE any more, at least I haven't had it available for a while.

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Its available it just wont play. I rescan a few times add and took away the source and still no bueno.

It was working up until a couple of weeks ago.

  • to this. NFL Network and Redzone have not been working for the past several weeks. Can we get the guide to update/remove these channels if that is the case?

Logs have been submitted as c83acb6b-28f7-4e4e-941b-ed1a4708fbb3 .

Pretty sure the devs aren't being hasty this time.

If you look back in this thread it was removed and then re-added when it started working. If you don't want to see the channel, just disable/hide it. It could come back at any time, or not. Most users can't use Fox 6002, but it hasn't been disabled because a few users still have it working.

I would think it's safe to assume at this point that Channels DVR + NFL Network = no

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If they disable NFL Network, how will you know if it starts working again?
Or don't you care?

What's so hard about disabling the channel yourself if you don't want the DVR to try recording from it?

If it starts working, I'll know since I have a 5 second test recording scheduled every two hours for the next week.

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I appreciate what you're doing there, but NFL Network doesn't even exist in my Spectrum Lineup on the Channels DVR source, even though I subscribe.

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