NFL Network

Oops. Yep I see it there.

After authenticating with Xfinity from this website

I get an NFL web page that states

You have successfully logged into your provider, Xfinity.
You will be redirected in 2 seconds or you can click the button below.

Then it just goes back to the page that asks me to authenticate with a provider.
So far have tried with latest versions of Firefox and Chredge (Edge).

It is broken with XFINITY no matter how much we try it is not going to work until they fix it. I gave up on it.... MLB NBA NFL Network none work with XFINITY.

Looks like NFL removed Xfinity as a Provider. It's no longer listed there.

I'm having the same issue. Has this been resolved yet?

If Xfinity was removed from the NFL’s site as a provider there’s no telling if it will ever come back.