No space left on device

Is that all you got to offer at least I provided input to address the problem.

As did I.

Clearly, there are two user categories:

  1. Watch everything the DVR records and ready to die iif they miss anything
  2. Meh, just a TV broadcast

A mock of user interface, under advanced options, default nothing:

When there is no space, the DVR should:

[x] Do nothing
[o] Delete one of the old recordings
-- [o] even if unseen (OMG, are you sure????) Please confirm [o] last 4 social [---- ]
[o] order a drive from AMZN size [10TB-10PB] U/P [-----/------]

  1. Do not Alert user of no space miss recordings and have them manually delete old stuff or buy hard drive....
    1a empty trash
    1b.Delete oldest watched unmarked keep forever.
  2. delete oldest unwatched unmarked keep forever. (optional)
    3, Notify of low space no new recordings lost.

I just noticed on

Channels — Subscribe

auto prune

Yeah, I think this is where there is some confusion. We have settings to accommodate a lot of different use cases, including the ones mentioned here.

We have a recording option that is geared just towards that:

When you pick the option "Keep All" or "Keep Unwatched", it means you think it's important for you to keep them around. Having the system go and delete things you asked the system to keep is not something we're ever going to do.

I can see a theoretical benefit of emptying the trash early if we are very low on disk space, but for many instances, it could be easier to just set the option for auto-deleting the trash to 1 Day.

When a single show recorded off of cable could be 5GB or a sports game could be 30GB, as people have discussed, you're just going to have a better experience if you over-provision the amount of disk space you need. Trying to ride right on the limit of disk space is going to run into all sorts of terrible cases.

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Good info, thanks.

It would take a rocket scientist to set many passes to never run out of space.... using this type of space management. It does not address running out of space and no Alerts plus no new recordings when no space ...

This is the same issue. It is hard to record when out of space :wink:

I give up everyone including the developers beat around the bush ... I just want to know if we have to live with no space no new recordings.

I have no issues with RPi 4 for the last week. Works fine. I have about 20GB on a 2TB drive. I will be moving to Intel i5 BeeLink for little more than RPi ($250) this weekend thanks to another user @lewisdrake post.

20 GB is low don't forget to keep checking the web page or space on your client.

That's expected in my case. I normally do not have a problem unless fancy bits pushes a software update and then all bets are off. Will have to figure out how to block the DVR server from figuring out it needs an update.

This is the only constructive post in this whole thread so far.

There is a whole class of items that could stand for a notification setup in Channels:

  • Conflicts / Tuner management (hey, you have 3 SD tuners only, and 4 recordings scheduled - fix that!)

  • Space alerts

  • (next level) Recording queue items of interest (cancelled shows, preemtped items, etc)

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Maybe if we flip it around and come at it from another direction it will make more sense - we are talking about some series passes as "filler" content. Keep as many of them as you can until Channels runs out of disk space, and then when more space is needed Channels automatically delete the oldest episode from the pool of those kinds of series passes first.

And regardless of any of the above, if Channels runs out of disk space at least have the option to send me alert or minimally flash a warning on screen that recordings are not going to happen because of a lack of disk space. This is another "DVR 101" feature - it's nice there is a disk space indicator in the web UI - needs to at least be an option to show that in the clients too. My parents are never going to go into the web UI.

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I’m explaining that instituting auto-deletions of any kind without explicit consent from the user, is a Bad Idea™.

Yup. Which is why Tivo has a "keep until I delete". Which, while not perfect, is light years above the zero auto management Channels currently offers.

Doesn't channels have keep till I delete? It would be nice if the actual algorithm to manage space were disclosed so users could set their expectations properly.

Doesn't channels have keep till I delete?

It only has keep until I delete. It's the only behavior. That's the rub. There's no way to easily record filler content that automatically uses whatever extra free space you may or may not have.

We agree. It's sitting at the top of the Settings screen in all of our client apps.

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We provide both things. As I said above:

Use "Keep last 3" to only keep the last 3 episodes regardless of their watch state. Channels will always keep the last 3 most recent recordings.