Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

Thank you so much. I plugged in the links you posted and they worked like a charm! I would never
have figured that out on my own. Not to be greedy, but do links exists for Plex? If so, could you send
those to me. Again, thank you so much! You're the best! Have a great Christmas! I will with plenty
to watch!!!

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Thank you, @HankLloydRight for these sources and happy new year!

To start the year in a good way, I just set up a recurring monthly PayPal donation to help with your server costs. Since I pay $8/month for Channels, I figured I'd do the same for you.
I hope this helps and will inspire others to do the same. :slightly_smiling_face:


You're welcome, and Thank you, that's very generous of you!
Happy New Year!


This is great, I ditched docker which was flaky (after updates) and taking up a lot of resources on my server.


Possible fix in v2022.01.20.2019


is there a way to do a custom epg if we're using the custom start number, or is that not necessary?

edit: nvm, seems not necessary...but i've got no logos or guide images on stirr. what am i doing wrong?

edit 2: @HankLloydRight looks like there's a bug in the custom playlist generator for stirr that is borking the icons. this is a sample of what the m3u looks like (note the tvg-logo value):

#EXTINF:-1 channel-number="9520" channel-id="stirr-dco" tvg-id="dco" tvg-logo="",STIRR | National

Yes, I'll get that fixed shortly. There's a current problem with the GO program loading the data from STIRR. As I was debugging this yesterday, I must have borked something with the image replacement NOCORDS is doing. I'll definitely get it fixed in the next couple of hours. Thank you.

Can someone running the STIRR GO Docker see if your code is running, or erroring out? This is what I'm getting currently, and I don't know why:

2022/02/01 09:14:19 Beginning cache fill
2022/02/01 09:14:19 Found 110 channels in lineup, getting channel metadata and guide. This may take a moment.
.....................2022/02/01 09:14:20 Error when filling cache unexpected end of JSON input
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This thread mentions new errors: Stirr for Channels - #151 by carterbunch

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Ok, please try the custom page again, I fixed the logo bug, but the STIRR JSON error is still causing a problem.

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Stirr docker keeps restarting every minute. Checked the docker hub but no update. States updated 9 months ago so stirr must have made so change.

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logos look good now, thanks!

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#HankLloydRight you rock!
Your non-docker source for Pluto worked like gangbusters right out of the gate!
Now my cup runneth over with 335 free channels thanks to you and your project.


You're very welcome and thanks for the support!

And yeah, PlutoTV can be a bit overwhelming at first. :slight_smile:

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I've been using the playlist and it works great. I am wondering (and I am still pretty much of a novice) if this playlist exists in a mpeg-ts output format? Or if I can convert it to mpeg-ts?

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The Playlists on are simply lists of channels and where to access that content from the providers. Unless Pluto and/or Stirr offer mpeg-ts streams for their channels, there's no way to 'convert' the playlist themselves to a different format. It's really just a large text file. But if those individual streams are available in a different format, let me know and maybe can produce a playlist that points to those streams. But since nobody else has ever mentioned mpeg-ts streams, I suspect they don't exist. Sorry.


I am fairly new to Channels, and decided to set up Pluto TV using the nocords epg. Unlike some of my sources, I'm seeing large holes of missing epg data on Pluto channels if I look ahead 23+ hours (screenshot below). Is this to be expected, or should I try something on my end? Here's what I have, and what I've tried so far:

Running Channels v2022.05.25.0242
Pointing to (and
Refresh every 3 hours

I have tried restarting Client. I have tried fetching guide updates on Server, then restarting Client. I have tried re-download entire guide on Server, then restarting Client. I have tried using as recommended earlier on in this thread.

PS - The other holes shown in the screenshot are Stirr channels, also from nocords (

Thanks in advance.

You're seeing all the data that's available.


12 hours tops for me looking at my android client. Used to be 8. On the bright side, you can record, which you can't do on the Pluto app. No subtitles either.

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While it’s possible that this is all the data that was available at 9am, I have noticed this behavior when you have multiple sources with two different channels using the same channel number. ie check to see if channel 978 Dora on Pluto is also say 978 nasa on another source. Are you showing data now?