Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG

Sure, I could do that, but what I have now also does what we need pretty well. The edge cache is automatically refreshed every 30 minutes (or until someone hits the URLs after the edge cache expires). This way, the files people access are always no more than 60 minutes old (worst case scenario). And nobody needs updates more frequently than that, and the ChannelsDVR server only allows updates every hour.

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what a cool solution, i had never looked at pluto or stirr before this

I note the stirr channels all are in the 9000 range

The pluto channels unfortunately seem to be in the same ranges as my hdhomerun prime channels - is that expected? is there an easy for me to say put all puto channels in the 8000 range?

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Yes, via this setting:

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Well that was easy, thanks!

I note that the pluto EPG starts right after the the stirr EPG ends.
What happens if stirr adds more channels - does that just get appended after the current set of stirr+pluto?

And i set refresh to daily given the bandwidth messages... is that ok?

Thanks, but you can select whatever EPG refresh setting you want. We've solved the EPG bandwidth issues. :slight_smile:

Also, later today I'm going to look into allowing people to assign their own custom starting channel number for Pluto and Stirr. No promises, but I think it's doable. Stay tuned.


Setting starting channel number for each provider would be most welcome. I hope it works!

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EDIT: It's now working with both PlutoTV and STirr!

Well, that was a fail. I can easily change the channel numbers in the M3U file and it works great.
But when I do that (and leave the epg.xml file alone), it farks up the guide. It appears that previous channel assignments are not cleared out. I now have three sets of PlutoTV channels in the guide with really odd channel numbers (only one set being the custom numbers I assigned). Also, the correct custom channel numbers ranges are all HD channels, and the orphaned ones are non-HD (using the Guide filter).

Maybe this is asking too much (it sure is!), but having an option in the "Custom Channels--Source--Options--Starting Channel #" setting would be awesome, and just let ChannelsDVR manipulate the channel numbers internally.

But if people want to try it themselves for PlutoTV, use this link for the M3U URL:

(starts PlutoTV channels at 10). Use at your own risk. :slight_smile:

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Under Guide Database in the webUI:

CleanShot 2021-11-07 at 08.28.15

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Great, I missed that there! Thanks.

Ok, that did the trick to clear out the bad data.

I think the custom channel # link above will work now.

But if you change the starting number, you may have to delete and rebuild the database as Fofer indicated above.


Your non-docker solution is a thing-of-beauty for those of us who's Windows system really hates docker (always have problems). I know this is a big ask..... Would it be possible to do the same for

Since that's a paid service, I'm not sure how that would work.

Thanks for your feedback!

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Ok, I'll look into that later. Seems like if I can do that, it opens me up for theft of services and everyone could use those links without paying. At least with the Docker instance, all the requests are coming from your IP address. I haven't looked into it much to see how their account authentication works. .

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Also, I have custom channel numbers working for Stirr. Use this link for the M3U URL:

i.e. start Stirr channel numbers at 100-- replace with whatever number you want. I have no idea what Channels will do if you have Pluto and Stirr with overlapping channel numbers. Anyone willing to try that, let us know. :grin:

I've also added a new feature if you use this custom link. I've replaced all the 'white-on-white' Stirr Channel logos so they are now color-on-white like this and much more readable in the Channels Guide.

From this:

To this:

When I have a chance, I'll migrate this to the Stirr playlust.m3u link.


Ok, I looked into this.. you have to pass your USERNAME and PASSWORD as parameters into the Docker instance and then it runs a local web server to host the M3U file on demand.

The code is written in Python, and while I can make out what's going on, I'm not a Python coder.

I could probably convert the code to run on-demand on my web server and take userid/pw as URL parameters, or I could re-write the entire thing in PHP or NodeJS, but either one of those methods would take a considerable amount of my time to make happen.

With PlutoTV and Stirr it was relatively straightforward and we had a large number of people here would could immediately benefit. But unless someone is willing to pay for my time to do it for, it's just not in the cards. Sorry.


Pluto is working perfect.
Stirr re-numbered the channels correctly but I am no longer getting guide data? I reset the guide database.
Is the epg "" or "". Those were the two I tried without success.

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Please don’t use the sqrl links anymore.

I saw the same thing but even when I reset to the standard links there still wasn’t any guide data.

I completely understand, thanks for taking a look at it.

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I found the problem with Stirr, and it's been fixed. You can just reload the M3U file and it should work. If that doesn't work, just delete and rebuild the EPG.