Another excellent suggestion!
I've done a build under the :test tag, and it includes the following new or updated OliveTin Actions:
Restart or Shutdown a Channels DVR Server - Restart or shutdown a DVR the easy way!
Remove Comskip Markers from a Recording - If you've edited a recording to remove the commercials, or had Comskip run on a recording where there are no commercials, this action removes all commercial markers from the DVR for the recording.
List Channels with Comskip Off - This action has been updated to show the DVR name in stdout, and the most recent run of this command will be available as host-port_listcomskipignore_latest.log in the /config directory.
Mark an Episode for Re-recording - This action has been updated to show the DVR name in stdout, and the most recent run of this command will be available as host-port_markforrerecording_latest.log in the /config directory.
And, the current suite of OliveTin Actions:
In the next build, I'll be adding DVR name output to the stdout of all actions where it makes sense -- as well as producing log files in the form host-port_scriptname_latest.log. These will survive restarts, and allow for a quick check of recent results.