"On Later" Blank

How do I get the "On Later" section to work? It's coming up blank on my TV.

It shows content on the DVR Server (Web Section) just not on the TV.

Was running the version from the Google App Store. Upgrading the client to the latest beta didn't make a difference (v 7.12.2220). Running on NVIDIA Shield Pro.

Do I need to be running beta version of DVR server too?

I tried clearing cache, rebooting shield, and restarting the channels-dvr server app.

Please submit diagnostics from your Channels DVR Server.

Logs have been submitted as 56977b0b-4fde-4e99-b441-e79dd18c9163

Try visiting On Later in your Channels DVR Server web admin, and editing the On Later settings by removing everything. Then try to visit it on your client.

You might want to force quit the app.

That worked. Thanks!

I did a 'fine tune' add/remove of the recommendations on the server end, force quit the app on the client end, cleared the client cache, and it works now after reopening. Thanks again!

It seems the value of what was set my have been corrupted, which disrupted the results for showing.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Settings still show Library instead of Home