On Later coming to Android TV?

With all the posts here, I somehow missed the detail that it was a beta feature. :man_shrugging: Thank you, installed and working. This is a great feature!
Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but will there also feature like on the Apple TV where you can click on a channel and see on later for just that channel?

Thank you!

Sweeeeeet! I just noticed the On Later tab in my Android TV app! LOVE IT!!!! I was waiting for this



Google/Android TV and Android Mobile are not honoring the Global Client Settings:


And yes:

  • There is no override at the device level
  • I have toggled the setting on and off
  • I have restarted the devices/server
  • I am on all the latest betas

Try out the new build:


How do you see it?

I’m in the guide using the beta version of Channels. How do I get to the on later for the specific channels?

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Click the channel on the guide

I can’t scroll to the left to highlight the channel.

Can confirm that both of those are working!

I just tested this with the latest beta on Android TV and it had no issue scrolling to the left to highlight a channel. Are you sure you were on the October 4th beta? When I checked yesterday afternoon it had not propagated on the Play Store yet.

It’s working. I updated.

The current beta looks great! Thank you, Aman!


With the latest beta, you can now Fine Tune your On Later within the app.


Awesome work!

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