On to 2023, what are you missing in Channels?

Are you talking about your TV client or the server's Admin/Settings web page? I've been able to favorite virtual channels in the client, but not from the server's admin/settings (http://x.x.x.x:8089/admin/settings) and Channels | Guide (http://x.x.x.x:8089/admin/guide/grid) web pages.

In the admin/settings page, when I click on either link indicated in the following screen shot, they take me to the page to create / manage my virtual channels. I am using server Version 2022.12.22.0210.

When I'm working, I'd like to have a browser tab open to the guide grid and don't want to scroll through the 900+ (Local, Hulu live tv, Pluto, Stirr, Virtual) all channels grid to view something.

ā— Slow-motion and a streamer-remote friendly way to implement it.

ā— Gray or neutral color instead of the godawful purple.

/ducks and runs



Hey @maddox, I had previously created a topic on this. I know it's only the GUI, but I wish there was an option to list season passes (with ability to order alphabetically or by newest recorded episode), click that season pass and it bring up a list of recorded episodes (with ability to sort by series/episode or by date with newest or oldest first).

This is the only thing I miss about my TiVo... the way it organized recorded content. Otherwise, Channels DVR is much, much better than TiVo. The commercial autoskip feature is amazing, and the app on AppleTV is incredibly responsive. Great job!

In the Guide.

The original request was about a virtual channels, not Channel collections.

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Automatic movie Collections.

  1. Ability to adjust guide size (fewer channels visible at once) to allow easier reading for the GenX users.
  2. Ability to have a dark, light or standard color scheme. I won't lie, Purple is not my choice of color, and don't want to go crazy giving people the ability to theme their guide to their favorite sports team colors (though that would be cool), but having some basic options would be nice.
  3. Ability to link 2 servers under one account (having a server in our family NC home and one in our home in PA), would be nice to be able to stream from one server to another, not just clients (my mom likes to watch local news whereas we like to keep tabs on the local news back home when visiting frequently). To prevent people putting their servers into a fishbowl like car keys (ewww), limit it to same user credentials only. I think I know why this won't be allowed, but you asked for our 'crazy things'. :wink:

It would be great to have playback speed control while playing back a program that is currently recording. It would be fine if it dropped back to 1x after catching up to current recording time. I currently find myself waiting until the recording has stopped so I can play it back at my preferred speed.

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Automatic transcoding for storage purposes


Dark/black theme for Apple devices.


You guys really have put together a fantastic piece of software here. I've got Channels running remote to three different households and have not had a single issue with playback, quality, etc. This is my daily driver and happy to continue to pay for this service, especially since we know how closely you all listen to user feedback.

My wishlist for Channels in the upcoming year (coming from an Apple TV user):

  • Better datasource for Movie & TV imports - I do find myself having to manually update some things that gracenote(?) does not pick up and match automatically. The artwork for some movies and TV shows look a bit cheap and unofficial sometimes, and descriptions can be lacking.

  • True native PIP when in the grid guide. I know it was a pretty big task to get PIP in its current form here, so this is a little bigger of an ask. But it would be really cool to get a PIP screen more embedded in the grid guide (on one of the top corners) so that Apple's PIP doesn't overlap with the content on the screen.

  • I like the purple, but a deeper, darker purple would look good as an accessibility option for those who have a hard time reading text against some of the lighter shades of purple.

  • Option to toggle on/off unwatched markers on TV shows.

I think the enhanced library interface could be cleaned up a bit. Some examples I see:

On the main (Enhanced) Library screen, the "Movies"-"TV Shows"-"Collections" buttons could be on the very top of the screen (above "Up Next" and taking up the entire row), to quickly get into each different section instead of being below the "Up Next" section. I'm not sure if this would improve functionality at all, that's just a UI preference for me.

  • Have the sidebar tabs always be present in every screen within the library. When I go Library>Up Next and am in the "Up Next" screen, the sidebar is gone until you back into the prior screen. Unless that is intentional, it'd be nice to have the sidebar collapsed on every menu.

  • Would also like to see the "All Shows" or "All Movies" access button more prominent from their respective screens within the library.

  • When you are in "All Shows" or "All Movies", a quick-scroll lettered scroll (like on Plex) would be amazing for those of us with large import libraries.

-Super nit-picky, but just some general UI enhancements on the Library pages, like depth, shadows, different spacing, etc. Something to give the libraries a little more pop beyond cover images in a grid. When the Apple TV motion UI has a movie highlighted and enlarged, when it moves around the cover sometimes overlaps a large portion of the title text.

Additionally, I think you guys have mentioned you're on this

  • Reducing the CPU usage when editing Virtual Channels that have a lot of content added

  • Increasing the timeout error message time (I get a handful of Timeout screens on my Apple TV watching remotely within two seconds of loading

But again, the act of watching live TV with my HdHOMERUN, nothing works better than Channels. Keep up the great work guys.


Multi-view on tvOS, iPadOS, and iOS

Iā€™m ready to move on from Xfinity to YouTube TV once they released the mosaic mode feature with the NFL Sunday Ticket


As of now the features I needed for this are pretty much there now thanks to all of the recent work that's been going on, it is just the client loading speed (where it can take anywhere from 30-90 seconds to load depending on how many) that stops us from putting everything in when there are many thousands of strmlnks/video files :slight_smile:

  1. Android TV, ONN box, get double click on Play/Pause (center D-pad button) to do Previous channel.
  2. Jump forward/back 24 hrs in guide with double click on Right/Left D-pad buttons, Firestick and Android TV, ONN box.
    Thanks for a great app.

I actually kinda like the purple. However, the ability to choose from other colors to customize to our liking would be great as well :slight_smile:


Better matching of TV Show/Specials Imports without the current automatic incorrect matching, make it unmatched if not 100% sure.

Fixed header row in web UI grid guide so you can see the time when scrolling down, like you can see the channels on the left if you scroll to the right.

Display scheduled jobs channel# in the web UI calendar view, or add a channel# filter to the web UI scheduled jobs view.

Ability to see what recordings a pass recorded, or at least the latest recording.

Mark as Not Recorded on the recording you already have instead of having to search for it in the grid guide or upcoming airings (if there are any)

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Bend the laws of physics and Sync video across multiple instances.


Is that your placeholder while you're thinking about it :rofl:

How many recordings do you have? My appletvs load in a matter of seconds.

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I keep around 5000 recordings in normally and the client loads great like you mentioned.

However, I have an additional ~1k movies and ~10k episodes across strmlnks and files that I don't keep in channels right now because it really starts slowing down when they're all in at once. I seem to remember that it may have slowed down more quickly with movie count vs episode count, but I haven't specifically gone in to test that!