Option to hide the commercial auto skip message

I have found that the commercial skip, after manual verification, is really good. So good that I now use auto skip on all my clients (forced by server setting).

What I would like is to have an option to hide the message that pops up on top of the screen every time auto skip kicks in. This way, it would be a very clean playback.

I wouldn't call it "OCD" but I like to have my TV screen as clean as possible. :grin:

I might get shut down very quickly for this request but it doesn't hurt to ask. :wink:

I thought we already hid it for verified commercials but perhaps not.

I can confirm that this is not the case.

You’d be surprised how jarring it feels without the little notification. There’s a reason we added it. Without it, it feels like something is broken every time. Brains are weird.

I get your point in a way.

So no option then. :frowning:
Oh well, at least I can say I tried. :wink: