Pass isn't recording

I am having the same issue with an OTA channel that was working and has stopped. I deleted it tried some different settings and no go.

I do not see it in the logs either when I try to see what is happening. Other shows on the same channel record fine, I should see something like this generate, but it doesn't see anything I do with the show?

Rule 'Maverick' (82) found 9 new airings
2024/11/08 10:10:56.860162 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370014 @ Mon Nov 11 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1731322800-82)
2024/11/08 10:10:57.042540 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370015 @ Tue Nov 12 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1731409200-82)
2024/11/08 10:10:57.222060 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370016 @ Wed Nov 13 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1731495600-82)
2024/11/08 10:10:57.425907 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370017 @ Thu Nov 14 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1731582000-82)
2024/11/08 10:10:57.637612 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370018 @ Fri Nov 15 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1731668400-82)
2024/11/08 10:10:57.791829 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370019 @ Mon Nov 18 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1731927600-82)
2024/11/08 10:10:57.991871 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370020 @ Tue Nov 19 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1732014000-82)
2024/11/08 10:10:58.217513 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370022 @ Thu Nov 21 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1732186800-82)
2024/11/08 10:10:58.399300 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000028370023 @ Fri Nov 22 6:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1732273200-82)
2024/11/08 10:11:00.072746 [DVR] indexed 15 movies (7 channels) [9s fetch, 627ms index]
2024/11/08 10:11:00.301166 [DVR] pruned 6 replaced airings in 228ms.
2024/11/08 10:11:00.314420 [DVR] Fetching guide data for 42 stations in USA-OTA78716 @ 2024-11-14 3:30AM
2024/11/08 10:11:05.567718 [DVR] Rule 'Wanted: Dead or Alive' (135) found 1 new airings
2024/11/08 10:11:05.769368 [DVR] queued recording job for EP000047040007 @ Mon Nov 11 7:00:00AM on ch=[46.5] (1731326400-135)
2024/11/08 10:11:05.771498 [DVR] Waiting 6h48m54.228502552s until next job 1731103200-55 Family Feud

Logs have been submitted as 9027a5d2-6b5e-4cc9-8551-89f13ec1d8f3 . Please send an email to to give details about the issue you're having.

The exact same issue as the OP who can't create a pass from search results on an iOS device?

Deleted what, the pass you couldn't create or the OTA channel?

Didn't see what in the logs?

When adding to another users topic thread, we all assume you have the exact same issue, unless you specify otherwise. So you can't add a pass for any show using search results on an iOS device?

I am on AppleTV latest v18.x
I deleted the Pass that I created that is not recording
I should see the creation of the Pass in the logs after I did a test, seems to log that action was created, not seeing it for this one

It doesn't log the creation of a pass. You will only see log entries when the scheduler finds airings in your guide data that match the criteria from your pass.
Most likely you asked for New only airings and your guide data doesn't have any airings marked as new.
Can only guess without more specific information.

If you can post screenshots of your pass from the DVR web UI DVR > Passes showing
the Advanced tab

and Matches tab

we can provide more help.

No I selected ALL and

tried New to see if there is a difference, there wasn't.

That Matches tab is showing the DVR scheduled (Queued) recordings. They should appear in the DVR log and in the schedule.

If they appear in the DVR web UI, but not on your Apple TV, make sure the Apple TV is running the latest version of the Channels app.
Stable release Channels — Release History
Testflight (Beta) release tvOS/iOS Beta Notes - #1000 by fancybot

@mkgough Did you get it working?
If you feedback it could help other users with the issue.
If you don't reply, this will automatically be the solution and this topic thread will close.

I am running ver 6.1.2 of Channels on Apple TV, so latest update so that is not the issue. Latest iOS as well that updated yesterday and did not fix the issue.

Are you seeing the Scheduled recordings in your DVR web UI Schedule?
Are you seeing the Scheduled recordings in your AppleTV Schedule?
The DVR schedules the recordings, so look there first.
The client (iOS, tvOS, etc.) gets info from the Server.

It would help if users knew how Channels DVR works, and could then answer their questions based on that. Or ask an AI if they didn't understand.

But I don't think that will ever happen.

You can explain things to users, but then someone (users) has to read and interpret those things.
Nothing personal... Just that AI will never replace common sense and human intelligence.

When the shows come up next week I will see if anything changes, but it has been doing this for weeks now. I see the scheduled show in both the DVR and AppleTV, but it does not record, like it doesn't recognize the show is on.

If it is scheduled but not recording, check the logs for the time when the recording should have occurred. If there are issues opening a stream from the tuner, that is when they would show up, not during the guide update period where passes are assessed/scheduled.

Another thing to check the log for is Deleting job no longer in the guide
An airing appears in the guide data and is scheduled to record, but during a later guide update, the airing was removed from the new guide data.
It will then be removed from the schedule and won't record.

A couple examples

2024/10/28 09:22:48.892015 [DVR] Rule 'Descending 13 part Documentary' (209) found 1 new airings
2024/10/28 09:22:49.097918 [DVR]   queued recording job for SH015310400000-1731506400 @ Wed Nov 13 5:59:30AM on ch=[9090] (1731506370-209)
2024/10/30 09:08:48.779601 [DVR] Deleting job no longer in the guide: 'Descending' SH015310400000-1731506400 @ Wed Nov 13 5:59:30AM on ch=[9090] (1731506370-209)
2024/11/04 09:13:38.901585 [DVR] Rule 'Descending 13 part Documentary' (209) found 1 new airings
2024/11/04 09:13:38.954238 [DVR]   queued recording job for SH015310400000-1732111200 @ Wed Nov 20 5:59:30AM on ch=[9090] (1732111170-209)
2024/11/09 09:50:33.743614 [DVR] Deleting job no longer in the guide: 'Descending' SH015310400000-1732111200 @ Wed Nov 20 5:59:30AM on ch=[9090] (1732111170-209)

I don't have any in my logs for that, but will look next week when it tries to record it.

I don't see any of those and the shows did not record. The one that is on Sat did record, just not the weekdays..

I extended the show before to add an hour so getting it that way until this resolves.

The Channel DVR log will tell why they didn't record.

Troubleshoot by looking at the one that should have recorded most recently, but didn't. You have to look through the log from the time when it was scheduled, until the time it was supposed to record. Looking for any clues as to why it failed recording.

Depending on how much Channels DVR activity you have, it could be a lot of log lines to look through.
So try looking first at the DVR log around the time the scheduled recording should have started.

If it was scheduled to record and failed for some reason at the time of recording, you should also see it in the DVR web UI under DVR > Schedule with an error.

This is the only entry I have for the show that is failing to record

Line 347: 2024/11/14 09:29:00.353834 [DVR] Deleted #8347 /volume1/ChannelsDVR/TV/Wanted Dead or Alive/Wanted Dead or Alive S02E12 1959-11-21 Twelve Hours to Crazy Hor 2024-11-11-0700.mpg (user)

I would expect to see something like this:

2024/11/14 05:30:00.040603 [DVR] Starting job 1731580200-134 Lawman on ch=[46.5]

Same channel, comes on after this show...

Starting job 1731582000-82 Maverick on ch=[46.5]
2024/11/14 06:00:00.345942 [DVR] Waiting 2h59m59.654058147s until next job 1731592800-131 Rawhide
2024/11/14 06:00:00.361465 [TNR] Sharing existing connection to 10B01E78/0 for ch46.5 H&I (clients=2, len=0)
2024/11/14 06:00:00.402694 [DVR] Recording for job 1731582000-82 from 10B01E78 ch46.5 into "TV/Maverick/Maverick S01E17 1958-01-19 Rope of Cards 2024-11-14-0600.mpg" for 1h59m59.654485563s
2024/11/14 06:00:01.788220 [IDX] Generating video index for job 1731582000-82

Which is working...

Does NOT show yellow as being recorded, the show before does.

Very odd. Shows up in my DVR - Passes list too.


I'm confused by that post.
Are you saying Channels DVR log shows that the recording was deleted (by user), but was never recorded???
The DVR log should show it recording around 2024/11/11 07:00:00

That recording (that was made Monday 7am) should have appeared in the Trash before it was emptied. Appears it was recorded, then deleted, so that episode won't record again unless your pass is set to rerecord deleted.

It would help if we could just focus on a single episode you say was scheduled and didn't record.
Doesn't help throwing in other shows or episodes, just detracts from the troubleshooting effort.

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Ahhh You may be on to something.... These are old western shows and no idea the logic of when they run them, in order or being 2 in a row do are they consecutive, etc... so maybe I have already watched it and deleted it in months past and it is re-airing. No idea that there was a don't recorded previously deleted shows...

This is not an option on the AppleTV, but I just changed it in the browser and we shall see.

The other shows are the same logic, older westerns are recording but this show in-between is not...
the 11/11 entry is the weekend single show. the weekly shows after Maverik are the ones that do not record. So why one and not the others? would be 10 of them weekly and 1 weekend on 11/11.

I guess the do not record previously deleted shows stops you from recording shows you already in theory watched... but I THINK.. I have not made it through very many Steve McQueen Wanted Dead or Alives to be hitting this limit.

We shall see.. bit flipped. Thanks for the suggestion.

Ahhh this shows what I am talking about... H&I is the one NOT recording.. MeTV on Sat do record..

I do have Any Channel selected. those 2 on Friday will not record. But I flipped the deleted bit soooo maybe??? but guessing not.

If they appear in the schedule, they will record.
Check the DVR web UI DVR > Schedule

Yeah, they are not and have not been for weeks and thus this thread.