PBS Feeds

Thanks for the info to get this up and running everyone, so happy to get my PBS stations!

Does make you wonder how long it's going to be around but it's great while it lasts.

Now if we can only get a way to use the widevine libraries to get the NBC channels back...


Is there any way to get some of the PBS subchannels such as Create and World, or is it just the main PBS feed for each station? I tried URLs ending with pbs/watch/WJCT5 and WJCT7.5 (station 7.5 is Jax PBS World channel) in VLC but no worky. WJCT works fine for main channel.

For most locations it's only your main station. This docker is pulling from https://www.pbs.org/livestream/ so whatever streams you see there are your only options.

If you make a contribution to your pBS each month you can get the other stations.
Localbtv used to play them let's hope they can work out a deal.


I have tried these feeds, none of the channels work.

Not all of us vmca. Pick up PBS.

how do you change the port number if you are already using 7777?

The number to the left of the colon is the port that'll be used on the host, to the right is the port in the container -- which you want to leave as defined. So, 7778:7777 would be an example of changing the port you'd use to 7778.

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you rock thank you!!

VLC Bridge PBS is working fine, but I'm not getting any Closed Captions. Does anyone have a fix for this?

The stream probably doesn't carry them.
Open the stream with VLC and look, or open a recording with MediaInfo.

I don't think closed captions are passed becuase the docker physically playsthe stream and encodes it in mpeg-ts
The docker would have to be setup to provide a stream that passes the stream correctly.PBS feeds work great here.

Agreed, PBS feeds do work great.

I get CC if I go directly to PBS. How is this different than VLC Bridge Fubo, which does have CC?

I don't know how to do this.

You would put the url from the playlist.m3u into VLC's Open Network Stream

Thanks much for your help. PBS is sending CC, but VLC does not see them.

I guess I'll just have to go back to my SD feed the has CC.

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PBS includes CC on their website live feed, but that is MPEG DASH w/DRM and the website loads a player in your browser to play it with DRM and provide CC.

That's different than the vlc bridge output.

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It is my understanding that VLC accepts a live stream from PBS and can then display it live or record it. It seems to me that there should be a way to have the CC turned on at the PBS end so they are visible in the stream that comes into VLC.

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