PBS Feeds

Anyone else getting '500 Internal Server Error' on the @miibeez PBS vlc bridge container today besides me :slight_smile: ?

Failed to start stream for ch9248: M3U: GET: http://localhost:7780/pbs/watch/KERA: 500 Internal Server Error

Worked fine yesterday.


I'm seeing this in the Docker logs:

2024-01-26 11:54:15 2024/01/26 16:54:15 INFO PBS/WSBE: Open url=https://urs.pbs.org/redirect/c5a90bbafc4143eebbf566dda61859ff/
2024-01-26 11:54:15 2024/01/26 16:54:15 INFO STRM: [Repr. chooser] Resolution set: 1920x1080, max allowed: 1920x1080, Adjust refresh rate: 0
2024-01-26 11:54:16 2024/01/26 16:54:16 INFO STRM: Successfully parsed manifest file (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 3, Type: live)
2024-01-26 11:54:27 2024/01/26 16:54:27 ERRO STRM: SendSessionMessage: License update not successful (no keys)
2024-01-26 11:54:28 2024/01/26 16:54:28 ERRO STRM: Initialize failed (SingleSampleDecrypter)
2024-01-26 11:54:28 2024/01/26 16:54:28 ERRO SRV: Server error err="open failed"

The most relevant thing is:

License update not successful (no keys)

I tried completely rebuilding and got the same results. I can't tell if the issue, though, is on PBS's end where they can't send an update, or there is something hardcoded in the image that is now out of date. It does play on PBS's website, though. @miibeez would have to weigh in.

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Providence and Boston, both down.

I can verify that PBS has stopped working here.
I've got all 4 stations available to me here but they have either become encrypted or have made a change to the way they stream.

Nothing changed with the PBS URLs. However one of the older versions of the downloadable widevine library was recently blacklisted, so if the container is using something like an embedded browser to screencapture the DRM protected streams, it might need to be updated.

Is there a way we as the user can do that upgrade inside the Container, or do we need the original Image to be updated?

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PBS has DRM protected their streams. Unless @miibeez has figured out how to make streamlink work with widevine, there’s not much hope.

streamlink.exe "URL" best --ffmpeg-dkey "KEY"


I think this is also an option.

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not that version would not work for PBS Feeds, as that one does not support DRM keys

For some of you an antenna and a network tuner might be a simple solution for PBS

Or an HDHR Prime for those of us who can't receive their low-VHF OTA channel.

if you have YTTV, you can watch PBS locally if available.
I have 3 of them in my area.

Not in Channels.

If you have ADB Tuner and a tuning device installed, you can watch PBS.

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What's the config for doing this?

Unfortunately, WGBH in Boston gave up their high powered transmitter in the ASTC 3.0 shuffle, and you have to be really close to the city to get their HD signal, and now they have gone to DRM.