PBS Feeds

The latest docker image is only 19 days old. I've had it happen two or three times in the last 18 days.

There's nothing in the log about why the container stopped.

I just set the container to always restart docker run --restart=always ...

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Thanks, I had hoped the new container would solve the ongoing crashes, but not so much. Guess I'll keep muddling along.

Yeah I've seen crashes too but with auto restart it hasn't been an issue.

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PBS feeds are working here.

I think I solved my crashing problem, I have three stations available in my area, but unless I limit the streams to one in the source setting, the docker will crash if more than one of the 3 stations has programming to record at the same time. I have not seen a single crash since changing to limit to 1 recording.

Could be. I have only one channel but haven't had a crash for 10 days.

This is the only thing I have found when the container crashes.
Container vlc-bridge-pbs exited with status code 2
I have it set to restart unless stopped, so the recordings continue, but interrupted.

Like several others, I'm wondering about closed captions. It's not at all clear to me from the comments so far whether this is technically impossible with this stack of software, or if it's just not available due to whatever code construction details. There is no doubt about it, the author has done some good sleuthing in automatically figuring out what PBS affiliates are available for a given install and generating the m3u from that. Bravo!

In an effort to see if I can figure out what's inside and might suggest possibilities for turning on CC. Here is what my half-hearted poking around has uncovered so far:

  • If you run "strings" on the executable vlc-bridge-pbs, you won't get much. It is compressed with a utility called UPX (https://upx.github.io/). If you use that utility to decompress it, you'll get lots and lots of useful output.
  • I assumed from the name that VLC is in there somewhere, but I don't find it. OTOH, I don't know much about development using VLC components as libraries, so that could explain me not finding it.
  • The docker image contains a library "plugin.so". As far as I can tell, that's the InputStream Adaptive addon for Kodi (GitHub - xbmc/inputstream.adaptive: kodi inputstream addon for several manifest types), but there could be more in there. I think it's that plugin that loads the Widevine library when needed, and it probably also handles a couple other DRM possibilities (though the shared libraries for them are likely not present in the docker image).

That's about all I know for now. Given the amount of time that has passed, I guess the vlc-bridge-pbs author @miibeez isn't planning to provide more information. That's a shame. If the worry is about the Widevine library, I would imagine it would be pretty easy to make the equivalent docker image without it and have it mapped in from the host system. Anybody with a Chrome browser can probably find a copy easily enough.

Has the miibeez docker image stopped working for anyone. I cant get it to work starting tonight.

Seeing this error in the docker logs when I try to connect to a PBS feed.

2024-11-02 21:10:19 2024/11/03 02:10:19 INFO PBS/WKYU: Open url=https://urs-anonymous-detect.pbs.org/redirect/e667725a27284a6ab5a0f9bb52e79a1c/
2024-11-02 21:10:19 2024/11/03 02:10:19 INFO STRM: Manifest successfully parsed (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 3, Type: live)
2024-11-02 21:10:19 2024/11/03 02:10:19 ERRO STRM: SendSessionMessage: License update not successful (no keys)
2024-11-02 21:10:19 2024/11/03 02:10:19 ERRO STRM: Initialize failed (SingleSampleDecrypter)
2024-11-02 21:10:19 2024/11/03 02:10:19 ERRO STRM: Instances: 1
2024-11-02 21:10:19 2024/11/03 02:10:19 INFO PBS/WKYU: Close
2024-11-02 21:10:19 2024/11/03 02:10:19 ERRO SRV: Server error err="open failed"

I ha ve a couple of entries for my public station and i suspect changes were made to the streaming that the docker uses.

So yours stopped too?

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It also stopped working for me.

This is from the Channels DVR log:

2024/11/02 23:14:43.948898 [TNR] Opened connection to M3U-PBS for ch33818 WEDH
2024/11/02 23:14:43.948898 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 33818 from
2024/11/02 23:14:44.962446 [TNR] Closed connection to M3U-PBS for ch33818 WEDH
2024/11/02 23:14:44.962958 [HLS] ffmpeg: ch33818-dANY-ip192.168.18.45-remux:  Output file #0 does not contain any stream
2024/11/02 23:14:45.016882 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch33818-dANY-ip192.168.18.45 (out=0s finished=true first_seq=0 last_seq=-1)
2024/11/02 23:14:45.037811 [ERR] Probe cancelled for live stream after 1.0889129s and 21 bytes

and the Docker log:

2024-11-02 23:14:44 2024/11/02 23:14:44 INFO STRM: Manifest successfully parsed (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 3, Type: live)
2024-11-02 23:14:44 2024/11/02 23:14:44 ERRO STRM: SendSessionMessage: License update not successful (no keys)
2024-11-02 23:14:44 2024/11/02 23:14:44 ERRO STRM: Initialize failed (SingleSampleDecrypter)
2024-11-02 23:14:44 2024/11/02 23:14:44 ERRO STRM: Instances: 1
2024-11-02 23:14:44 2024/11/02 23:14:44 INFO PBS/WEDH: Close
2024-11-02 23:14:44 2024/11/02 23:14:44 ERRO SRV: Server error err="open failed"

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Yeah PBS is broken, hope this gets fixed soon. Was working until today, using docker image.

Ok, well at least we know. I thought I did something because I ran the updater for Docker tonight and then tried to watch PBS and it failed but it was working this morning. Just a coincidence. This happened back in February too.

All good things must come to an and. Thusly. Was nice while it lasted.
(I quit using this about a month ago because the container kept crashing)

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I thought it was me and I just needed to reboot my computer. Arg, I wish @miibeez had made their code open source so maybe I could edit it when something like this happened. My bet is it's just some web pointer that has changed, but not really possible for me to say right now.

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Gonna have to wait for @miibeez to take a look but I have the channels on my HDHR and they're on UHF signals so I can view it with ease...

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And...we got an update and now the problem is solved. Thanks @miibeez


yep all good again.

Thanks @miibeez works for me