PBS Feeds

That's correct. This type of tuning is not part of ADBTuner's design, as it's intended to be used with deep links -- what we're doing in my example is remote control emulation to select the live stream.

If you could find a way to use localnow with that, you may have more success piping in PBS with that instead


Also in the Providence area and not happy with that last repack. Channel 2 and 44 were our favorite stations with excellent quality. Can't get the HD versions any more since they moved to the low band so have to settle for the SD version which is UHF channel 32, 573.25 mhz. At certain times of the day, around sunset now, they can be glitchy and weather can be an issue. I'm using a DB4 roof top antenna pointed at their tower 30 deg from here. Did some amp tweeking today because i was also having worse issues with 36 providence, Too much boost to get Boston most likely, so will have to see in the next few days. I have 3 HDHRs, 2 older and 1 newer Duo. I like the older ones better. Been researching antennas but feel like i'm between a rock and a hard place with it, gain some, lose some.

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FWIW I had an update this morning to vlc-bridge-pbs docker image and all 4 of my local PBS channels
are working again . YMMV

Working here in Colorado again too.

I will be testing my PBS channels here shortly but i did get the same update.

Not mine unfortunately.

Did you pull the new image released this morning?

Watchtower had not updated it, manually did and have the vlc pbs bridge back working. Yay.

Got all my PBS stations back today. What is strange is that according to Gitlab, there has been no change to the file since 11 months ago. So if its the same file, then???

Only the README is there which hasn't been updated, no source code.


So what did I just pull from when I entered
docker run -d -p 7777:7777 registry.gitlab.com/miibeez/vlc-bridge-pbs

1 Like

The docker image.
If you examine the Config file in it you'll see the date
"created": "2024-02-04T04:14:50.278812318Z"

# docker images
REPOSITORY                                   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
registry.gitlab.com/miibeez/vlc-bridge-pbs   latest    78bf3ada2f88   19 hours ago    109MB

# docker inspect 78bf3ada2f88
        "Id": "sha256:78bf3ada2f88a8997b2cce3a2fce323f34265a58666495a15452f5a5365d7010",
        "RepoTags": [
        "RepoDigests": [
        "Parent": "",
        "Comment": "buildkit.dockerfile.v0",
        "Created": "2024-02-04T04:14:50.278812318Z",

Whoa, unannounced update! There is definitely a new version with some differences. Look at those sizes:

Definitely working for me again, so I'd bet it is working for everyone else, too.

Question: do you just have a job running checking for updates to packages on a regular basis?

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Job is just to run watchtower lol and I do like to record PBS

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Thanks! Wasn't aware of this tool. Now up and running :grin:

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Working for Providence and Boston, but still no Closed Captions.

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Working for me in Southern California.

thanks @miibeez for fixing this.

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My docker is crashing, and causing interuptted recordings. This has happened since installing quite some time ago. I can view the live channels and many of my scheduled recordings work, but almost weekly the dockers crashes and restarts. I get an automated email from my Synology NAS stating.
Container VLC_Bridge_PBS in Container Manager stopped unexpectedly. Please select VLC_Bridge_PBS on the Container page, click the Details button, and go to the Log tab for details.

the log shows
08:00:01 PM
2024/02/22 01:00:01 INFO PBS/WRLK: Open url=https://urs-anonymous-detect.pbs.org/redirect/d99419a6285b4a39a7a02ddbbacef275/
08:00:01 PM
2024/02/22 01:00:01 INFO STRM: Manifest successfully parsed (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 3, Type: live)
08:00:02 PM
2024/02/22 01:00:02 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1001 type=video codec=h264 name=/avc1.640028 esize=59
08:00:02 PM
2024/02/22 01:00:02 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1001 width=1920 height=1080 aspect=1.7777778 fps=60000 fps_scale=2002
08:00:03 PM
2024/02/22 01:00:03 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1002 type=audio codec=aac name=/mp4a.40.2 esize=2
08:00:03 PM
2024/02/22 01:00:03 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1002 channels=2 samplerate=48000 bitrate=128679
08:40:42 PM
2024/02/22 01:40:42 INFO PBS/WRLK: Open url=https://urs-anonymous-detect.pbs.org/redirect/d99419a6285b4a39a7a02ddbbacef275/
08:40:42 PM
2024/02/22 01:40:42 INFO STRM: Manifest successfully parsed (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 3, Type: live)
08:40:44 PM
2024/02/22 01:40:44 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1001 type=video codec=h264 name=/avc1.640028 esize=59
08:40:44 PM
2024/02/22 01:40:44 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1001 width=1920 height=1080 aspect=1.7777778 fps=60000 fps_scale=2002
08:40:44 PM
2024/02/22 01:40:44 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1002 type=audio codec=aac name=/mp4a.40.2 esize=2
08:40:44 PM
2024/02/22 01:40:44 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1002 channels=2 samplerate=48000 bitrate=128679
08:43:22 PM
2024/02/22 01:43:22 INFO PBS/WRLK: Open url=https://urs-anonymous-detect.pbs.org/redirect/d99419a6285b4a39a7a02ddbbacef275/
08:43:23 PM
2024/02/22 01:43:23 INFO STRM: Manifest successfully parsed (Periods: 1, Streams in first period: 3, Type: live)
08:43:24 PM
2024/02/22 01:43:24 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1001 type=video codec=h264 name=/avc1.640028 esize=59
08:43:24 PM
2024/02/22 01:43:24 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1001 width=1920 height=1080 aspect=1.7777778 fps=60000 fps_scale=2002
08:43:25 PM
2024/02/22 01:43:25 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1002 type=audio codec=aac name=/mp4a.40.2 esize=2
08:43:25 PM
2024/02/22 01:43:25 INFO PBS/WRLK: Track id=1002 channels=2 samplerate=48000 bitrate=128679
08:48:36 PM
2024/02/22 01:48:36 ERRO STRM: Instances: 1
08:48:36 PM
2024/02/22 01:48:36 INFO PBS/WRLK: Close

I'm not smart enough to decipher the log for what could be causing this, but it is frustrating. Any help would be appreciated.