Playback Issues in Web UI (Mac hardware transcoder)

I’m having some playback issues in the web UI.

Pretty much any station I pick starts, plays back for a while, then stops or does stuttering stops and starts. This is whether the video is in the small preview screen or full-screen.

OS Darwin
10.10.5 (kernel: 14.5.0)
4 cores / Intel® Core™ i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
load averages: 1.48 1.66 1.76
RAM 17.18 GB
40.4% free

Here’s my log from a very recent attempt at an SD channel:

2017/01/15 01:08:25 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 32.2
pipe:: could not seek to position 28380.145
Past duration 0.794853 too large
[mpegts @ 0x7fdec0814600] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fdec0814600] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fdec0814600] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
Past duration 0.794853 too large
2017/01/15 01:09:20 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch32.2
[mpegts @ 0x7fdec0814600] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fdec0814600] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fdec2135600] ac-tex damaged at 38 9
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fdec2135600] Warning MVs not available

How long does it work before breaking?

What browser?

Here’s another one, from an HD channel which is usually a very solid signal:

2017/01/15 01:15:09 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 10.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 69214.150
Past duration 0.859123 too large
2017/01/15 01:16:11 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch10.1
[mpegts @ 0x7f81d3009000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f81d3009000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f81d3009600] ac-tex damaged at 112 26
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f81d3009600] Warning MVs not available

If you’re using Safari, it’s probably the same bug as in Playback doesn’t work on Safari (Mac and iPad)

Just tried it in Chrome, and it played (the usually stable HD channel) for a couple of minutes, then froze up (I had taken it full screen). Here’s the log output of that:

2017/01/15 01:21:44 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 10.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 69608.870
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 12 8
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 13 36
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 28 53
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 60
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 6 45
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 20 38
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 12 37
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 35
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] ac-tex damaged at 25 54
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 5 61
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 1 46
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 3 39
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 6 55
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 62
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 5 40
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 39 47
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 10 56
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] ac-tex damaged at 3 63
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 7 41
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 5 48
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 51 57
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] invalid cbp 0 at 11 64
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 24 42
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] invalid cbp 0 at 1 49
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 27 58
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 4 65
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 10 43
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] ac-tex damaged at 7 59
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 66
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] ac-tex damaged at 11 44
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 42 51
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 9 67
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 25 52
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] Warning MVs not available
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
    Last message repeated 4 times
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 95 53
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 1 6
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] Invalid mb type in B-frame at 1 7
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 14 8
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 9
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 4 10
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] Invalid mb type in B-frame at 2 11
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 10 12
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 30 13
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] ac-tex damaged at 2 14
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 1 15
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 32 16
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 13 17
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] skip with previntra
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 10 19
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 6 20
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 21
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] ac-tex damaged at 1 22
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 13 24
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] invalid cbp 0 at 26 25
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 9 27
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 28
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 32 60
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 16 29
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] invalid cbp -1 at 2 30
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 62
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 63
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 64
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] skip with previntra
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 11 65
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 9 32
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 66
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 7 33
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 3 67
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 34
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] slice mismatch
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 36
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] Invalid mb type in B-frame at 11 37
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 38
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 9 39
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 1 40
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 41
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 42
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 1 43
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 1 44
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 5 45
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 1 46
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 47
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 48
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 49
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 1 50
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 51
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 52
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 14 53
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 54
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 0 55
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 4 56
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 12 57
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] 00 motion_type at 2 58
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] Warning MVs not available
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
    Last message repeated 1 times
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
    Last message repeated 1 times
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] end mismatch left=102802 19A030 at 0 68
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8ed0809600] Warning MVs not available
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8ed100c200] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
2017/01/15 01:25:56 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch10.1
[ac3 @ 0x7f8ed080fa00] frame sync error
Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input
av_interleaved_write_frame(): No such file or directory

I’m not seeing problems on my Apple TV, which is hard-wired Ethernet (other than a few periodic tiny hiccups).

The real problem is in the web playback.

Computer (running Channels server) is also hard-wired, to the same router.

Only web playback uses transcoding. Safari and Chrome use different playback engines, and have different set of known issues. The channel is breaking both for you?

How long does the stream play before stalling out?

What is the rate shown under Activity on the Settings tab?

Safari seems to stall or have long stutters (several seconds) after only 20 seconds or so.

Chrome played for several minutes, then locked up.

This was with the same channel, 10.1, PBS here in Portland, OR, very late last night, when I was recording nothing.

I’m not seeing a rate under the Settings section. We’re still talking about the web UI, right?

Yea under Activity

Just tried channel 2.1, ABC. It is still running after close to a minute, and the Activity says: Running: 16.618867s @ 1.18x

Well, it seemed like a minute. Probably shorter. Then it started stuttering and then froze.

I am recording two other shows right now on the other DUAL, though. Safari is acting extremely slow now, with the pinwheel of death going.

2017/01/15 20:06:34 [DVR] Waiting 52m25.569247476s until next job 1484542740-6
2017/01/15 20:16:17 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 2.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 90921.698
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[ac3 @ 0x7fd10280bc00] frame sync error
Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[ac3 @ 0x7fd10280bc00] frame sync error
Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[ac3 @ 0x7fd10280bc00] frame sync error
Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[ac3 @ 0x7fd10280bc00] frame sync error
Error while decoding stream #0:1: Invalid data found when processing input
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] Invalid mb type in P-frame at 8 35
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] Invalid mb type in P-frame at 11 36
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 57 37
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 71 38
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 2 25
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] Invalid mb type in P-frame at 10 26
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 2 27
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] mb incr damaged
    Last message repeated 1 times
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 25 20
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 0 15
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 11 31
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] Invalid mb type in P-frame at 1 40
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 75 14
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 4 21
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] Invalid mb type in P-frame at 32 16
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 65 41
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 70 11
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 74 22
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 26 17
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 57 32
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] Invalid mb type in P-frame at 1 12
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 46 23
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 36 18
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] mb incr damaged
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 2 14
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] invalid cbp -1 at 42 43
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] invalid cbp 0 at 26 24
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 61 19
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 47 34
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] slice mismatch
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] ac-tex damaged at 25 44
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fd102808c00] Warning MVs not available
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 0)
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fd103809000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)

Has there been any update on this? Despite several updated versions of the server software since I first reported this, the web GUI is still unusable for me to watch anything. As noted above, I get stuttering and or complete shutdown of the video, no matter which resolution I choose, from 1080 down to 480, whether in Safari or Chrome, whether or not I’m recording something.

I’m running a mid-2011 3.4 Ghz I7 iMac, 16GB RAM on Mac OS 10.10.5, and using two Duals pulling OTA from a rooftop antenna that gets a good signal, and I’ve tried to shut down all other possible video servers–VLC, AirVideo, Plex, and EyeTV, yet still this problem persists. Is this hardware or system too outmoded/slow to transcode on the fly? Could hard drive speed be impacting this issue? I know that when I was transcoding EyeTV streams to 720p in H264 they would transcode in about half the time of the program, which suggests that the computer is capable of transcoding at around 2x speed to 720p, which would be fine for me if I could get Channels DVR to do it.

Are there other services that I should be looking for and shutting down?

I’d like to retire EyeTV; this computer playback issue is the only thing holding me up.

Your system looks fine for transcoding from a hardware perspective. A couple of things to try: 1) Have you tried the software transcoder under the new Web Player settings. I can use hardware transcoding on a 2012 Mac, that may not be supported on your 2011 gen. 2) Can you upgrade the OS?

I’m running on a 2012 gen mac mini i7-3615QM 2.3GHz 8GM Ram running 10.12.2 (latest) and am viewing in 1080p on a local Linux desktop thru Firefox as I type this. I usually set the Web Player to 720p to lesson the load but with recent updates 1080 seems to work as well. I’m interested to see what I can do on remote networks now.

In the latest version, under the video player it shows the transcoder status. What does it say?

I think you mean the wording below the playing video that says “Running: 9.955145s @ 1.11x” or similar.

I just tried three different stations. The first, 6.1, played for several minutes without a hiccup, but then the number dropped completely to ‘1x’ by the end.

The other two, 27.1 and 10.1, froze within a few seconds, despite the fact that the transcode factor was still well above 1x (1.18 for one, and the other was similar).

All of these were done with the hardware transcoder, at 720, in Safari.

Are these transcodes being done in ffmpeg? Could I have another outmoded instance of ffmpeg that’s running that’s slowing them down?

2017/01/19 10:31:21 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch6.1
[mpegts @ 0x7ff37c009000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7ff37c009000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7ff37c009600] ac-tex damaged at 116 43
[mpeg2video @ 0x7ff37c009600] Warning MVs not available
2017/01/19 10:31:31 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 27.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 44864.245
2017/01/19 10:31:57 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch27.1
[mpegts @ 0x7ff8fd008000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7ff8fd008000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7ff8fc009600] ac-tex damaged at 3 24
[mpeg2video @ 0x7ff8fc009600] Warning MVs not available
2017/01/19 10:32:06 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 10.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 66453.805
2017/01/19 10:33:03 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch10.1
[mpegts @ 0x7fc6bc808000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fc6bc808000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fc6bca41000] ac-tex damaged at 72 31
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fc6bca41000] Warning MVs not available
2017/01/19 10:34:33 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 6.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 94342.470

Those were all done remotely. I’m not at my home computer right now.

And sorry, I misspoke. Those were all software, not hardware transcodes.

I just tried all three of the same channels with it set to hardware, and all three quit locked up within a couple of seconds.

2017/01/19 10:44:42 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 6.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 94952.070
2017/01/19 10:45:10 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch6.1
[mpegts @ 0x7f8f54808000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f8f54808000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8f54808600] invalid cbp -1 at 34 42
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f8f54808600] Warning MVs not available
2017/01/19 10:45:20 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 27.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 45693.443
2017/01/19 10:45:42 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch27.1
[mpegts @ 0x7f7f61809600] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7f7f61809600] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f7f6388ee00] ac-tex damaged at 27 14
[mpeg2video @ 0x7f7f6388ee00] Warning MVs not available
Error writing trailer of /Users/jcrunch/Movies/Channels/Streaming/10323CCF-ch27.1/stream.m3u8: No such file or directory2017/01/19 10:45:48 [HLS] Starting transcoder for channel 10.1
pipe:: could not seek to position 67276.013
2017/01/19 10:46:16 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session 10323CCF-ch10.1
[mpegts @ 0x7fb58b008000] PES packet size mismatch
[mpegts @ 0x7fb58b008000] Dropped corrupted packet (stream = 1)
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fb58a88f600] ac-tex damaged at 9 29
[mpeg2video @ 0x7fb58a88f600] Warning MVs not available

And when the video locks up, does the timestamp in the text underneath still keep increasing? Or does it freeze too?

The timestamp continues to increase.

Ok great, that means the transcoder is working fine and the “stall” is happening in the browser’s video player. The browser video decoders appear to be very sensitive to errors in the stream, so any little hiccup in the hdhomerun or antenna signal can set it off.

It’s useful to hear that the issue is happening with both the hardware and software transcoders. The software one is generally a little bit more reliable when it comes to fixing errors.

Also surprised to hear you’re seeing the issue in both Chrome and Safari. Safari is generally more sensitive to errors and I’ve seen it stall out easily. Chrome (on desktop) is a bit more resilient since it uses a different decoder stack.

Can you reproduce the stall again, leave the browser window with the stalled out video open, and then grab the streaming files off of your server? In your Recordings folder, there’s a Streaming directory with another sub-directory with the channel number. Zip that up and send it to me:

I will need to do some research to see if we can detect and remove any corruption from the video stream during transcoding.