Playon cloud not registered yet

I am trying to link channels but keep getting not registered yet. how do I fix this?

Email playon support

Sound similar to this other thread, definitely contact PlayOn Support

PlayOn Support (Russ) (Support Center)
May 12, 2023, 22:00 EDT

Hi ,

We're happy to answer your questions.

Channels DVR is a third-party app that is able to connect to our service, but we aren't able to provide support for the Channels DVR product. We show your PlayOn account is active, but it appears your Channels DVR account might not yet be active. You would need to reach out to Channels support for assistance with their product.

If you would like direct access to your PlayOn Cloud account, you can download the PlayOn Cloud app from the app store on your device.

We offer free tech support 7 days a week (including most holidays). Just let us know if you have any other questions we may answer for you.
Best regards,

PlayOn Support

When clicking link new source everything appears successful, until returning to the Channels web interface. Then the VALIDATE_CODE_ERROR: Account Not Active Yet message in Channels

And you’re able to log into your PlayOn Cloud account with the PlayOn Cloud app directly? Are you able to use the app, queue and play recordings?

I had play on respond back and stated that my account is active and that it is a issue on channels side.

Apparently the trial version caused this issue, when I purchased credits it linked fine.

that makes sense.. I am in trail right now. I bought the home version as well.

ah, so the answer to this would have been no, too:

(indicating the problem was on the PlayOn side, not the Channels DVR side)

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