Plex and Channels

How do I use channels with threadfin on my plex? I am new to this.

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I put the m3u and xml files in threadfin and it maps them but when I go to plex and add live tv it comes to scan for channels and it says no channels found.

Did you add Threadfin as a tuner in Plex and add xml from threadfin? as guide data.

Also there is a bug in threadfin that it has to run on the same machine as plex ... unless they fixed it.

both plex and threadfin are on my synology nas. It finds threadfn as tuner. How do I find the xml I added to threadfin?

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Threadfin server information ....


I directed the threadfin to this xml and it then goes to scan for channels. When I click on scan, it says no channels found.

Here are some screenshots

I tried emby and it took my m3u but now I cant get server to connect on my TV

Everything is going wrong...

Why are you even scanning you see you see where it says " Have an XMLTV guide on your ..." in orange that is what you are supposed to click on and use XML from Threadfin. Also make sure in threadfin settings epg source is set to XEPG...

After I put in the XML file from threadfin, it goes to that scan screen. It is set to XEPG.

You evidently are doing something wrong because after you input the threadfin XML it should begin downloading the guide from the XML not scanning for channels. Maybe you should lookup how to setup XTEVE in plex Threadfin is the same more or less they follow the same steps.

I will hep but only if you are using Channels DVR M3U.

Post a screen shot of your threadfin m3u and guide XML.

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*I got it to work from your example. Thank You

I was wondering if you knew a good source for an m3u that I could get my locals from? I tried using my moms youtube tv account but could not get channels to add it as a source.

Nope I use HDHR OTA Units.

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The problem is that I live in an area that is in a valley and gets only fox if I am lucky.

You might need an outdoor antenna then. It's all about location and all about getting the antenna that isn't junk. Run a rabbitears report on your location. If it's mostly green, then get a good indoor antenna. If it's yellow, then you need an outdoor antenna

Here is my report. It looks like the best signal is the Fox one at 25 miles from transmitter and is showing good. The ABC, NBC, and CBS are all showing fair at 43.2, 41.7, and 37.4 miles from the transmitter. I had an HD Homerun before but only was able to get fox consistently.

Do you have any suggestions as to an Antenna which might work?

Looks like all of your channels are using UHF (that's good, tends to work better than VHF in my experience). I would probably look at getting either a flat antenna or a double loop and mount it as high as you can inside your home.

I have had good luck with this one:

This one would be good too:

Some of these are sold at best buy.

I would also suggest getting an HDHomeRun to put the antenna on your home network, so you do not have to have the antenna and server located together.

Oh and look up the Antenna Man on youtube. he has some great videos to improve signal as well as some recommendations for different ranges.