Channels DVR as PLEX tuner

Try this .... use your IP and your Port.

For guide

Do yourself a favor and use Plex for the guide data. It can take a little longer to initially setup but Plex doesn't classify shows properly with the Channels guide data.

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I am attempting to setup Channels + xTeVe + PLEX. I want to thank everyone for this thread as it has Benn VERY VERY helpful...

I have been able to setup Channels with no issues. Then I setup xTeVe and all went well. Then I went to PLEX and PLEX saw the xTeVe as a tuner and then I mapped all the channels and let PLEX download a guide, again no issues.

Everything seemed to be going along GREAT and then when I went to the guide in PLEX to try and play something I got a Playback Error that said,

"Could not tune channel. Please check your tuner or antenna."

When I go to the xTeVe logs I see this entry:

2023/01/07 10:24:02 [xTeVe] Client User-Agent: Lavf/LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION
2023/01/07 10:24:02 [xTeVe] Streaming URL: http://localhost:8089/devices/TVE-DTV/channels/6003/hls/master.m3u8?
2023/01/07 10:24:02 [xTeVe] Streaming Info: URL was passed to the client.
2023/01/07 10:24:02 [xTeVe] Streaming Info: xTeVe is no longer involved, the client connects directly to the streaming server.
2023/01/07 10:29:19 [xTeVe] Buffer: false [-]

I am so close to getting this working. I am hoping someone here can get me over the final hurdle...

Thanks in advance.

Change your playlists URL's to /stream.mpg?format=ts instead of /hls/master.m3u8?

Also, localhost only works if channels and plex are on the same machine (IP). May need to change to the IP of your Channels machine if they are not.

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Channels, xTeVe and PLEX are all running on the same MacStudio.

I will try the changes you mentioned above. Just out of curiosity can you tell me the difference between the two endings?

You need to use the IP address of the server not localhost as the Client will look for the stream locally and will not find it.

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WOW. I have to say this is one of the most helpful communities I have ever been a part of.

Edwin_Perez your last post fixed it all up for me. I did remove and start everything from scratch but I used the information from this thread and your final post and PLEX now streams live using Channels and my DirecTV account. I am really, really grateful.

I only have one issue left. There is A LOT of stuttering watching Live TV via PLEX. I am using a MacStudio w/the M1 Ultra. As stated in an earlier post I have Channels, xTeVe and PLEX all running on this machine. The Studio is only used for PLEX. Everything is wired so no wireless issues.

I can watch 4k 1:1 rips with ZERO issues so I don't think it is a bandwidth issue. I think I need to make an adjustment to a setting somewhere within Channels or xTeVe or PLEX.

Any suggestions?

Thank you all again for the terrific support and this fantastic thread!

EDIT: The stuttering seems to only occur watching via the web. On my AppleTV there is no stuttering at all...

If web means from a browser. It always has to transcode. Where when watching on Apple TV it is usually direct play.

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What is the advantage to doing this? Or did you just want to tinker?

If you are talking about using Channels DVR as a Plex tuner there are many advantages. Sharing of tuners is one of them ... Watching TVE in Plex is another ..

I use M3U from Channels DVR also as Input to EMBY and SageTV along with Plex.

I just don't care for the Plex player. Plex server is good however. Lately I have been using the ChannelsDVR Apple TV app with local Movies and TV Shows rather than Kodi with PlexKodiConnect add-on. No music option, so Kodi is still a must for me. Thanks for the input.
ps...just started using the ChannelsDVR m3u in the iProTV player specifically for multi-view.

In my household we need Profiles which Channels DVR does not have also automatic collections is a must as we have a large Movie Collection... Both Plex and Emby offer this ... so we mostly use Channels DVR as a backend in my household because of advanced passes which neither Emby nor Plex have. I am the only one in my household that uses Channels DVR to view my TV Shows ... but I use the others to View Movies.

Plus I really like the new Feature that Plex has Discover which shows what is trending on my Services. ... and the watchlist.

But nothing beats Channels DVR as far as recording Shows and Movies.


I was actually surprised how much I liked Channels implementation of local Movies and TV Shows. I still fire up Kodi sometimes, but Channels is equally as solid. Now that I finally got an Apple TV, I no longer use the Channels Kodi add-on which I had been using exclusively since it was released.

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I wanted to see if this would work outside my home for my daughter to have access to my DirecTV channels.

She is in college and she, as most 20 year somethings, have grown up on Netflix, Hulu, on demand services.... but there were times she wanted to watch something directly as Hulu has a day or two delay on certain programs. I wasn't going to get a cable subscription at $80-100/month for the VERY few times she wanted to watch something live.

Lord knows I have enough subscriptions and honestly I am growing very tired of everyone going subscription based EVERYTHING. I think that pendulum will swing back sooner rather than later but that's where we are now.

That was my reason for going down this path. I must admit that Channels + xTeVe + PLEX is pretty amazing. It's not super easy but it's not super difficult either and when setup properly it works without a hitch. I just want to thank everyone again in this great community for all of your help... nice to find a place like this...

If I can help anyone please let me know!!


That is not a Channels DVR M3U output post a screen shot of the settings of this M3U in Channels DVR. Also how is XTEVE setup ?

As soon as I get home I'll post my xteve setup, thanks :slight_smile:

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You will need to contact xteve support/forums. This forum is for Channels DVR.

That's not the right URL.

M3U's contain the tuner information, links to the actual program video feed. They end in m3u.
EPG XMLs contain the electronic program guide data, just the program guide, not any video. There is no need to indicate a video stream format in them. They end in .xml.

The xteve screenshot posted has the exact information at the bottom of the picture with the exact URLs you need to enter, there is no need to change or deviate from the URLs provided.

This all assumes that you have entered valid information into xteve in the first place.

EPG XML is not .m3u

Sorry I will only help you if you are using M3U and XMLTV from Channels DVR Into XTEVE. That is why I want to see the M3U and XMLTV from your XTEVE... not the settings page.


Ok sry guys and thank you for answers

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