Pluto for Channels

For the maddox container, the playlist and EPG are cached in the container. The container pulls about 24 hrs of EPG about every 3 hrs. Not sure about the joagomez container or the nocords feed since I don't use them. Although the nocords feed should be the same as the maddox docker, since that is what powers it.
If you installed portainer it's easy to setup using the docker compose Pluto-for-Channels (jonmaddox) found here A docker-compose for every Channels-related extension -- suitable for Portainer-Stacks!

You have it backwards. The jonmaddox container is the source for the nocords website feed.
First post here Non-Docker source for PlutoTV and Stirr m3u playlists and EPG
You can either run the jonmaddox container locally, or get the same data from the nocords website feed.

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Ohhh. My bad...

I see on that page for the non-docker nocords site, they mention his version generates new device ids and sid url for each page load. To prevent conflicts etc.

If i use the docker locally, it implies that is not done. Is that not need for the Docker since the playlist it generates is already unique? If i have multiple CDVR servers that use its playlist, will it cause conflicts?

nocords has to generate unique id's for each user, otherwise everybody using it would be using the same feed url's.

jonmaddox docker is local with its own unique id's, so not everybody is using the same ones.

See his GitHub page for how to have it generate multiple feeds GitHub - maddox/pluto-for-channels: 📺 M3U generator optimized for Channels' custom channels.

Got it running.

It show 3 less Channels though. 420 Channels vs 423 from nocords....
Think from browsing around, at least 1 of them is Wheel of Fortune channels, they not in the docker m3u. Not a big deal.

mentioned above:

and here:

EDIT: For reference, the repo is here: GitHub - jgomez177/pluto-for-channels

and I think the docker url got updated to

I used the one in this threads OP maddox/pluto-for-channels

That is why i asked if it was still be updated. The OP does not list that other one, so i assume it was different and not official.

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FWIW one differentiator of this docker had been the inclusion of channels “Wheel of Fortune” and “Jeopardy” but three weeks ago those were removed from Pluto entirely:

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I think if you compare the channels from each, the difference will be some news channels.
Pluto also has a bunch of duplicated channels.
Using the jonmaddox docker, out of 421 channels, these 10 are duplicates, so it's really only 411 channels that I get.

  1. Anime All Day
  2. Big Brother
  3. CBS News Chicago
  4. CBS News Los Angeles
  5. CBS News New York
  6. CBS News Sacramento
  7. Classic Movie Westerns
  8. Pluto TV Cars
  9. Pluto TV Westerns
  10. Star Trek: The Motion Pictures
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With the jgomzez docker I get 417 channels.

417 unique channels, or are some duplicates?

Some duplicates.

Thanks all. Especially @maddox and @tmm1 and @chDVRuser (again), and @Fofer for helping here and for keeping up on supporting things like this.
It is truly appreciated.
Hopefully, these things stay working and stable for the foreseeable future.
It been a bit stressful when i got family members who blame me when their tv show/channel no work :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Thank you for your work in creating this. I am wondering if there is any way to create an environment variable to show the Pluto UK and Canada channels. I noticed that Matt Huisman was able to do it on the Samsung docker he just released.

It already does if you add the PLUTO_CODE environment variable

Multiple can be hosted using comma separation

us_east - United States East Coast,
us_west - United States West Coast,
local - Local IP address Geolocation,
ca - Canada,
uk - United Kingdom


docker run -d --network=host --restart unless-stopped -e PLUTO_PORT=7888 -e PLUTO_CODE=local,us_west,us_east,ca,uk --name pluto-for-channels


Thank you. I will try that out when I get home.

@joagomez Thanks! The docker has been rock solid for me. I just switched to docker this past weekend. Before that, I was using the hosted URLs and this past month or so, I kept getting a lot of interrupted recordings. Not anymore with this docker.

I'm also enjoying a channel from the UK version. Very cool!

There is also Pluto TV France. Would it technically be possible to add it to this docker too? :grin:

The nocords url? I been using it for couple years, not had any interrupted recordings issues.

No. The other ones that were just taken down.

I've been using maddox's docker for a while now. However, I decided to try jgomez's docker. Got everything working, but I am seeing a descrepency between the channels generated by maddox's docker and jgomez's docker. I compared maddox's list between the jgomez's local, us east, and us west, and the descrepencies weren't always region based (e.g. new/weather stations). Some of the channels that differed between the two lists seem to be national channels. Just curious why there is a descrepency.

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